miércoles, julio 20, 2022

Vídeo del Récord de ascenso a la montaña con traje de reacción (volando by Gravity Industries) #volar #rescate #montaña #ascenso #record

El vídeo que os traigo hoy es una flipada: el ser humano ya puede volar, como si fuera un superhéroe de Marvel...

Se trata de un vídeo que muestra el récord de un hombre volando para relizar tareas de rescate en montaña:  

#JetSuit #TakeOnGravity #RichardmBrowning
Record Jet Suit Mountain Ascent (by Gravity Industries)

We proved you can scale a Lake District Mountain (3100ft Helveylln) in 3mins 30 seconds, despite very poor visibility that would have grounded a HEMS Helicopter. The Mountain Rescue foot response is over 70 minutes typically. The route was 1.2 miles and 2200ft of height gain. This is the latest in a series of Paramedic Response Exercises to prove capability in parallel with training up real Paramedics to provide first response Critical Care in hard to reach geographies. Cardiac, breathing or blood loss cases are time critical and require rapid stabilisation to buy time for evacuation. This system, akin to the rapid response of a Paramedic on a motorbike in an urban environment, will be the difference between life and death for many critical cases. LINKS Drone Filming by Ben Kenobi - www.drone-filming.com/about http://youtube.com/user/mrbenjaminkenobi SHOP: http://www.gravity.co/mobile-shop/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/takeongravi... Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/takeongravity/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/richardbr... Web: http://www.gravity.co TED 2017 talk: http://go.ted.com/richardbrowning BACKGROUND With a rich family history in Aviation, former Oil Trader & Royal Marines Reservist, Richard Browning, founded pioneering Aeronautical Innovation company, Gravity Industries in March 2017 to launch human flight into an entirely new era. The Gravity #JetSuit uses over 1000bhp of Jet Engine power combined with natural human balance to deliver the most intense and enthralling spectacle, often likened to the real life Ironman. Gravity has to date been experienced by over a billion people globally and covered by virtually every media platform. The Gravity Team, based in the UK, have delivered over 100 flight & Speaking events across 30 countries including 5 TED talks. “The team and I are delivering on the vision to build Gravity into a world class aeronautical engineering business, challenge perceived boundaries in human aviation, and inspire a generation to dare ask 'what if…” Get in touch for; Speaking Engagements // The Gravity Team Flying at your Event // Personal Flight Experiences & Flight Training // get involved in the Jet Suit Race Series! http://www.gravity.co Richard Browning Founder & Chief Test Pilot Gravity Industries ltd #TakeOnGravity #RichardmBrowning

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