miércoles, julio 31, 2024

Quote sobre ir para atrás según Lao Tsé #quote #frase #LaoTse #filosofo #iratras #nunca #nohayque #filosofiadevida #neverlookbehind

En este último post del mes de Julio de 2024, os traigo una de las frases más conocidas del filósofo chino Lao Tsé:

“No hay que ir para atrás ni para darse impulso”

by Lao Tsé

martes, julio 30, 2024

TED: ¿Qué es una IA de todos modos? - What Is an AI Anyway? (by Mustafa Suleyman)

En el post que os propongo a continuación, el gran Mustafa Suleyman ofrece una charla sobre la Inteligencia Artificial. En concreto la charla TED se titula ¿Qué es una IA de todos modos? - What Is an AI Anyway?:

What Is an AI Anyway? | Mustafa Suleyman | TED

When it comes to artificial intelligence, what are we actually creating? Even those closest to its development are struggling to describe exactly where things are headed, says Microsoft AI CEO Mustafa Suleyman, one of the primary architects of the AI models many of us use today. He offers an honest and compelling new vision for the future of AI, proposing an unignorable metaphor — a new digital species — to focus attention on this extraordinary moment. (Followed by a Q&A with head of TED Chris Anderson)

BBC IDeas: ¿Cómo el decubrimiento del ADN cambió el mundo

Hoy os propongo el vídeo de apenas 5 minutos en el que BBC IDeas nos cuenta cómo el decubrimiento del ADN cambió el mundo

How the discovery of DNA changed the world – and my life | BBC Ideas

Nobel prize-winning geneticist Sir Paul Nurse on the amazing breakthroughs that followed the discovery of DNA - and how it directly impacted his own family. Made in partnership with @ScienceMuseum. Animation by Adam Proctor. Subscribe to BBC Ideas 👉 https://bbc.in/2F6ipav ____________________________ Do you have a curious mind? You’re in the right place. Our aim on BBC Ideas is to feed your curiosity, to open your mind to new perspectives, and to leave you that little bit smarter. So dive in. Let us know what you think. And make sure to subscribe! 👉https://bbc.in/2F6ipav Visit our website to see all of our videos: https://www.bbc.com/ideas And follow BBC Ideas on Twitter:   / bbcideas   #BBCIdeas

lunes, julio 29, 2024

Quote sobre hacer las cosas bien hechas para que los clientes repitan by Walt Disney #quote #frase #clientes #cliente #repetir #bienhecho #bienhecha #amigos #WaltDisney

 En el post de hoy os muestro una frase que dicen pronunció el mismisimo Walt Disney, o Walter Elias Disney:

"Hagas lo que hasgas, házlo tan bien como para que tus clientes vuelvan y además traigan a sus amigos"

by Walt Disney

domingo, julio 28, 2024

Quote sobre las reglas (by Isaac Newton) #quote #frase #reglas #hacerreglas #seguirreglas #normas #IsaacNewton #Newton

A continuación una de las frases que se atribuyen al gran Isaac Newton sobre las reglas...

"Hay que hacer las reglas, no seguirlas."

by Isaac Newton

TED-ED: ¿Podrás resolver el acertijo del robot de baloncesto? (by Dan Katz) #TED #TEDED #resolver #acertijo #robot #baloncesto #riddle

En este post de hoy domingo os propongo ver el TED-ED titulado...

TED-ED: ¿Podrás resolver el acertijo del robot de baloncesto?

TED-Ed: Can you solve the basketball robot riddle? - Dan Katz

-- You’ve spent months creating a basketball-playing robot, the Dunk-O-Matic, and you’re excited to demonstrate its capabilities. Until you read an advertisement: “See the Dunk-O-Matic face human players and automatically adjust its skill to create a fair game for every opponent!” That’s not what you were told to create. Can you recalibrate your robot to make it a fair match? Dan Katz shows how. Lesson by Dan Katz, directed by Igor Ćorić, Artrake Studio.

sábado, julio 27, 2024

Concierto Tiny Desk: Coldplay #Coldplay #TinyDesk #musica #unpplugged #concierto #concert #music

En Enero de 2020 el ex-grupo Coldplay pasó por los "estudios" de NPR Music para hacer un unpplugged en el Tiny Desk...

Coldplay: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert

This performance was recorded on January 23, 2020. We will continue releasing Tiny Desk videos of shows that had already been taped. In light of current events, NPR is postponing new live tapings of Tiny Desk Concerts. In the meantime, check out Tiny Desk (home) concerts! They’re recorded by the artists in their home. It’s the same spirit — stripped-down sets, an intimate setting — just a different space. Watch Coldplay play "Cry Cry Cry", "Viva La Vida", "Broken", "1999" (Prince cover) and "Champion Of The World" at the Tiny Desk. Did you know you can watch new Tiny Desk concerts on npr.org ONE WEEK before they go up on YouTube? March 12, 2020 | Robin Hilton -- Shortly into Coldplay's soundcheck, singer Chris Martin cut off the opening song, "Cry Cry Cry," right in the middle. His band had brought along a nine-piece choir, and he asked them to take "Cry Cry Cry" one more time. When one of the singers asked if there was a problem, Martin replied, "No, I'm just in f****** heaven right now!" That feeling was obvious throughout the performance. Watching Martin at the keys, with the For Love Choir behind him and Coldplay guitarist Jonny Buckland at his side, you'd be forgiven for thinking it was the happiest day of his life. Laughing, bouncing to the music and playing off the crowd, Martin and company gave one of the most jubilant, uplifting and memorable performances we've ever had at the Tiny Desk. Watching their gospel-infused take on "Viva La Vida," it was hard not to beam with joy; hearing their stirring cover of Prince's "1999" brought on a mass urge to leap up and dance. The entire set was a perfectly executed showcase of the band's creative spirit and love of community through music. "Viva La Vida" was the only older track Coldplay performed, in addition to the surprise Prince cover. (The band had just performed at a Prince tribute show in January.) The other three songs — "Cry Cry Cry," "Broken" and "Champion of the World" — are all from the band's stellar new album, Everyday Life, which was recorded with some of the singers on hand for the Tiny Desk. Martin joked that, "In a very real way, they've Photoshopped our songs to be much better than they actually are." Whether or not that's true, for at least this one sunny afternoon at the NPR Music offices, the choir — and Coldplay's inspired reworking of its own music — felt transcendent. SET LIST "Cry Cry Cry" "Viva La Vida" "Broken" "1999" (Prince cover) "Champion Of The World" MUSICIANS Chris Martin: vocals, keys; Jonny Buckland: guitar; Denise Green: vocals; Shaneka Hamilton: vocals; Dorian Holley: vocals; Stephen Mackey: vocals; Lamarcus Eldridge: vocals; Lawrence Young: vocals; Surrenity Xyz: vocals; Tiffany Smith: vocals; Mabvuto Carpenter: vocals CREDITS Producers: Bob Boilen, Morgan Noelle Smith, Maia Stern; Creative director: Bob Boilen; Audio engineers: Josh Rogosin, James Willetts; Editor: Maia Stern; Videographers: Maia Stern, Morgan Noelle Smith, CJ Riculan, Jack Corbett, Melany Rochester; Associate Producer: Bobby Carter; Production Assistant: Shanti Hands; Executive producer: Lauren Onkey; VP, programming: Anya Grundmann; Photo: Emily Bogle/NPR

viernes, julio 26, 2024

Cobertura BBC de los Juego Olímpicos de París - Welcome to the City of Love #Paris #JJOO #OlympicGames #JuegosOlimpicos #video #BBC

Del 26 de Julio y el 11 de Agosto de 2024 se celebrarán los Juego Olímpicos de París o Juegos de la XXXIII Olimpiada. Con este motivo la BBC ha publicado este bonitovídeo promocional de su cobertura a tal evento:

'Welcome to the City of Love' | Paris 2024 Olympic Games | BBC launch film

Paris has never seen a love like this. The Olympic Games, across the BBC from 26th July.

BBC Sport is the home of the biggest sporting events this summer with highlights of Uefa Euro 2024, Wimbledon, and the Paris Olympics.

jueves, julio 25, 2024

Tender by Blur - versión acústica junto a Jimmy Fallon (The Tonight Show - 2016) #Blur #Tender #TheTonightShow #JimmyFallon

En el post de hoy un curioso mini concierto acústico de Blur con su canción Tender en el The Tonight Show junto a Jimmy Fallon.

Blur plays "Tender" with Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show

miércoles, julio 24, 2024

Quote sobre la importancia del misterio para poder investigar (by Albert Einsten) #AlbertEinstein #Einstein #misterio #ciencia #arte #experimentar #investigar

En este post os traigo otra de las famosas quotes o frases que se adjudica al gran Albert Einstein sobre la importancia del misterio para poder investigar:

"El misterio es la cosa más bonita que podemos experimentar. Es la fuente de todo arte y ciencia verdadera."

by Albert Einstein

martes, julio 23, 2024

BBC Ideas: ¿Cómo la tecnología cuántica puede cambiar el mundo? #quantum #cuántica #tecnologia #tech #video #bbcideas

A continuación os dejo con otro de los vídeos de BBC Ideas en el que nos explican ¿Cómo la tecnología cuántica puede cambiar el mundo?:

How quantum technology could change the world | BBC Ideas

From super-fast computers to next generation brain imaging, here's a simple guide (you’ll actually understand!) to quantum tech. Animated by Christopher Brooks, made in partnership with @TheOpenUniversity Subscribe to BBC Ideas 👉 https://bbc.in/2F6ipav ____________________________ Do you have a curious mind? You’re in the right place. Our aim on BBC Ideas is to feed your curiosity, to open your mind to new perspectives, and to leave you that little bit smarter. So dive in. Let us know what you think. And make sure to subscribe! 👉https://bbc.in/2F6ipav Visit our website to see all of our videos: https://www.bbc.com/ideas And follow BBC Ideas on Twitter:   / bbcideas   #BBCIdeas #Quantum #Technology

lunes, julio 22, 2024

Solución técnica para el bug de Crowdstrike para Microsoft Windows #Windows #Microsoft #Crowdstrike #bug #issue #update #release

 En el post de hoy quiero explicar la solución para aquellos pobres técnicos de IT, TI, técnicos de campo, ingenieros de sistemas, informáticos u otros responsables que han tenido que lidiar con el desaguisado del viernes 19/7/2024 con Microsoft Windows y Crowdstrike y del que hablábamos en el post Viernes de Julio con millones de PCs y servidores out con Microsoft Windows y antivirus Crowdstrike #Windows #Microsoft #Crowdstrike #bug #issue #update #release (en Emeshing.com)


Crowdstrike blog:

Technical Details

  • Technical Details on the outage can be found here: Read the blog Published 2024-07-19 0100 UTC
  • We assure our customers that CrowdStrike is operating normally and this issue does not affect our Falcon platform systems. If your systems are operating normally, there is no impact to their protection if the Falcon Sensor is installed. Falcon Complete and OverWatch services are not disrupted by this incident.
  • CrowdStrike has identified the trigger for this issue as a Windows sensor related content deployment and we have reverted those changes. The content is a channel file located in the %WINDIR%\System32\drivers\CrowdStrike directory.
    • Channel file “C-00000291*.sys” with timestamp of 2024-07-19 0527 UTC or later is the reverted (good) version.
    • Channel file “C-00000291*.sys” with timestamp of 2024-07-19 0409 UTC is the problematic version.
    • Note: It is normal for multiple “C-00000291*.sys files to be present in the CrowdStrike directory – as long as one of the files in the folder has a timestamp of 05:27 UTC or later, that will be the active content.
  • Symptoms include hosts experiencing a bugcheck\blue screen error related to the Falcon Sensor.
  • Windows hosts which have not been impacted do not require any action as the problematic channel file has been reverted.

Non-Impacted Hosts

  • Windows hosts which are brought online after 2024-07-19 0527 UTC will not be impacted
  • Windows hosts installed and provisioned after 2024-07-19 0527 UTC are not impacted Updated 2024-07-21 1435 UTC
  • This issue is not impacting Mac- or Linux-based hosts


Instrucciones de INCIBE:

Las medidas de mitigación y corrección que se están recomendando desde INCIBE son las siguientes:

  • La actualización de componentes de CrowdStrike que están provocando bucles de pantalla azul.
  • Se recomienda no ejecutar la actualización del agente CrowdStrike hasta que esté disponible una solución verificada.
  • El archivo de canal defectuoso se ha revertido y desde el fabricante se espera que esto mitigue una mayor expansión. Para los sistemas que ya fallan, algunos se reinician a un estado de funcionamiento normal y se considera que deberían elegir el nuevo archivo del componente que no da problemas frente al que da problemas. Algunos sistemas simplemente fallan en bucle y pueden necesitar una intervención manual.
  • Si los sistemas fallan y es por tanto necesaria una intervención manual se está recomendando seguir los siguientes pasos:
    • Se debe de iniciar Windows en modo seguro.
    • Se debe de acceder al directorio C:\Windows\System32\drivers\CrowdStrike en el Explorador. 
    • Hacer la búsqueda del archivo “C-00000291*.sys” y eliminarlo.
    • Iniciar el sistema normalmente.

Quote sobre la publicidad y los clientes (by Philip Kotler) #quote #frase #publicidad #clientes #satisfaccion #satisfechos

A continuación os propongo que reflexionéis sobre esta frse que se atribuye a Philip Kotler, el que fuera distinguido profesor de la Kellogg School of Management, sobre la publicidad y los clientes:

"La mejor publicidad es la que hacen los clientes satisfechos"

Philip Kotler

domingo, julio 21, 2024

TED-Ed: Cómo estar motivado siempre incluso cuando no te sientes así - How to get motivated even when you don’t feel like it #motivado #motivarse #getmotivated #TEDEd

Hoy domingo os traigo otro vídeo de TED-ED que lleva por título Cómo estar motivado siempre incluso cuando no te sientes así - How to get motivated even when you don’t feel like it:

How to get motivated even when you don’t feel like it

Explore the psychology of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and dig into how these forces contribute to our drive. -- Motivation is complicated. Psychologists define motivation as the desire or impetus to initiate and maintain a particular behavior. But sometimes, no matter how passionate you are about a goal or hobby, finding the motivation to actually do it can be difficult. Why is motivation so fickle? Explore intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and dig into how these forces contribute to our drive. Directed by Magali García. This video made possible in collaboration with Character Lab Learn more about how TED-Ed partnerships work: https://bit.ly/TEDEdPartners A special thanks to Ayelet Fishbach who provided information and insights for the development of this video. Support Our Non-Profit Mission ---------------------------------------------- Support us on Patreon: http://bit.ly/TEDEdPatreon Check out our merch: http://bit.ly/TEDEDShop ---------------------------------------------- Connect With Us ---------------------------------------------- Sign up for our newsletter: http://bit.ly/TEDEdNewsletter Follow us on Facebook: http://bit.ly/TEDEdFacebook Find us on Twitter: http://bit.ly/TEDEdTwitter Peep us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/TEDEdInstagram ---------------------------------------------- Keep Learning ---------------------------------------------- View full lesson: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-to-get... Dig deeper with additional resources: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-to-get... ----------------------------------------------

sábado, julio 20, 2024

Concierto Tiny Desk: The Nationals #TheNationals #Nationals #music #concert #TinyDesk

Hace ya más de 11 años, en Junio de 2013, uno de mis grupos favoritos como The National pasó por el famoso Tiny Desk Concert de NPR Music y ofreció este breve concierto unplugged:

The National: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert

The first thing you might notice about this video is the change in surroundings: NPR recently moved to a new building, and though we worked to make the Tiny Desk as visually similar as possible to the old space — a process we recently documented with the help of OK Go — the ceilings are higher, the square footage more generous and the surfaces lavishly unsullied. The visuals will surely evolve in the months and years to come, as more tchotchkes and coffee stains accumulate on, around and behind Bob Boilen's desk. Though singer Matt Berninger had barely rested his voice from a show in the area the night before, The National dutifully performed gorgeous acoustic renditions of four tracks from its fine new album, Trouble Will Find Me. Its members even treated the hundreds of worshipful gawkers to Building 2.0's first-ever Tiny Desk encore, in response to a roar of applause that could be heard in the far reaches of the newsroom downstairs. Here's to many more. --STEPHEN THOMPSON Set List "This Is The Last Time" "I Need My Girl" "Pink Rabbits" "Sea Of Love" Credits Producer: Bob Boilen; Editor: Denise DeBelius; Audio Engineer: Kevin Wait; Videographers: Kainaz Amaria, Parker Blohm, Denise DeBelius,Gabriella Garcia-Pardo; photo by Hayley Bartels/NPR

viernes, julio 19, 2024

Viernes de Julio con millones de PCs y servidores out con Microsoft Windows y antivirus Crowdstrike #Windows #Microsoft #Crowdstrike #bug #issue #update #release

 El kaos se apodera hoy viernes de las principales empresas del mundo debido a una actualización fallida de Crowdstrike y Microsoft, dejando knockout a millones de PCs y servidores de todo el mundo con Microsoft Windows y antivirus Crowdstrike:

Cybersecurity Blog | CrowdStrike

Microsoft service health status (cloud.microsoft)

Quote sobre el principio de acción reacción (by Isaac Newton) #IsaacNewton #Newton #accion #accionreaccion #reaccion #oposicion #ciencia

A continuación una de las famosas frases que se atribuye al gran Isaac Newton sobre el principio de acción, reacción y oposición que se observa en la ciencia física:

"Para cada acción siempre se opone una reacción igual."

by Isaac Newton

jueves, julio 18, 2024

Concierto de Alanis Morissette en el metro de NYC junto a Jimmy Fallon (2019) #Alanis #AlanisMorissette #JimmyFallon #TheLittleDrummerBoy #YouOughtaKnow

Fue en 2019 cuando la gran Alanis Morissette fue al metro de New York City, en concreto en la parada entre la 49-50 Sts Radio City Music Hall y la 48 con la Sexta Avenida, para ofrecer un breve concierto junto al showman Jimmy Fallon

Alanis Morissette Busks in NYC Subway in Disguise

Alanis Morissette and Jimmy put on disguises and give a surprise performance of "The Little Drummer Boy" and her hit "You Oughta Know" in a New York City subway station.

miércoles, julio 17, 2024

Quote sobre la importancia de hacerse preguntas (by Albert Einstein) #quote #frase #ALbertEinstein #Einstein #preguntas #posibilidades #problemas #angulo #imaginación #creativa

A continuación una de las frases más famosas que pronunció el genio Albert Einstein sobre la importancia de hacerse preguntas:

"Plantear nuevas preguntas, nuevas posibilidades, considerar los viejos problemas desde un nuevo ángulo, requiere imaginación creativa y marca un avance real en la ciencia."

by Albert Einstein

martes, julio 16, 2024

BBC Ideas: El Silencioso Poder de los Introvertidos - The quiet power of introverts #poder #introvertidos #introverts

A continuación otro de los pequeños vídeos de la BBC Ideas. Esta vez sobre El Silencioso Poder de los Introvertidos - The quiet power of introverts

The quiet power of introverts | BBC Ideas

Are you an introvert? If so, that's great! Animator Sofja Umarik (who is an introvert) looks at how it can be a real strength. Want to watch more? This might be a good one to watch next... Why people are choosing to quit social media:    • Why people are choosing to quit socia...   Subscribe to BBC Ideas 👉 https://bbc.in/2F6ipav ---------------------------------- Do you have a curious mind? You’re in the right place. Our aim on BBC Ideas is to feed your curiosity, to open your mind to new perspectives, and to leave you that little bit smarter. So dive in. Let us know what you think. And make sure to subscribe! 👉https://bbc.in/2F6ipav Visit our website to see all of our videos: https://www.bbc.com/ideas And follow BBC Ideas on Twitter:   / bbcideas   #bbcideas #introverts

lunes, julio 15, 2024

Quote sobre la recomendación entre clientes (by Jeff Bezos) #quote #frase #cliente #impresionar #palabra #recomendación #empresa #clientes

 En el post de hoy os traigo una frase que se le atribuye a Jeff Bezos, el que fundó el monstruo de Amazon, sobre los clientes:

"Si realmente logras impresionarlos, los clientes lo contarán unos a otros. La palabra que circula de boca en boca es muy poderosa"

by Jeff Bezos

domingo, julio 14, 2024

TED-Ed: ¿Cómo incrementar tu alegría? - How to increase your happiness #TEDED #incrementar #alegria #increase #hapiness #howto #comohacer

A continuación otro vídeo de TED-Ed en el que se explica en 6 minutos ¿Cómo incrementar tu alegría? del original How to increase your happiness

How to increase your happiness - Cómo incrementar tu alegría

Dig into the benefits of practicing gratitude in your everyday life, and discover how being thankful can impact your happiness. -- Many people would say the connection between happiness and gratefulness is very simple: when you are happy, you are grateful. But think again. Is it really the happy people that are grateful? Quite a number of people have everything that it would take to be happy, and they are not happy. So, how does gratefulness work? Explore the key components to living gratefully. Directed by Avi Ofer. Support Our Non-Profit Mission ---------------------------------------------- Support us on Patreon: http://bit.ly/TEDEdPatreon Check out our merch: http://bit.ly/TEDEDShop ---------------------------------------------- Connect With Us ---------------------------------------------- Sign up for our newsletter: http://bit.ly/TEDEdNewsletter Follow us on Facebook: http://bit.ly/TEDEdFacebook Find us on Twitter: http://bit.ly/TEDEdTwitter Peep us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/TEDEdInstagram ---------------------------------------------- Keep Learning ---------------------------------------------- View full lesson: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-to-inc... Dig deeper with additional resources: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-to-inc... Animator's website: https://aviofer.com Music: https://www.wonderboyaudio.com ----------------------------------------------

sábado, julio 13, 2024

Concierto Tiny Desk: Alicia Keys #Alicia #Keys #AliciaKeys #music #concert #TinyDesk

En Febrero de 2020 la gran Alicia Keys se prestó a esta experiencia de un concierto en un pequeño estudio o sala de trabajo de NPR Music y los ya famosos Tiny Desk Concerts:

Alicia Keys: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert

This performance was recorded on Feb. 12, 2020. We will continue releasing Tiny Desk videos of shows that had already been taped. In light of current events, NPR is postponing new live tapings of Tiny Desk Concerts. In the meantime, check out Tiny Desk (home) concerts! They’re recorded by the artists in their home. It’s the same spirit — stripped-down sets, an intimate setting — just a different space. June 17, 2020 | Abby O'Neill -- On a brisk February morning, Alicia Keys, full of effervescence, entered NPR through the loading dock wearing a canary yellow faux fur coat. During our ride to the fourth floor, she joked about how she hadn't been invited to play at the Tiny Desk. That, of course, wasn't exactly true. We worked on and off for years to make this moment happen, and I can say wholeheartedly that it was worth the wait. Alicia Keys has an aura that you can sense the second she enters a room, or in my case, an elevator. She radiates compassion and kindness. This spirit is the key to Keys's songwriting, which is rooted in introspection and mindfulness. As she approached her piano, a bit surprised at the amount of people in the room, she smiled and remarked over her shoulder, "Gee, the Tiny Desk is tiny!" She kicked off the set with an uncanny ode to combat the darkness of this moment in American history: "Show Me Love," a single she released in 2019. No one could have predicted then how much her lyrics and musical healing would be crucial during this emotionally fraught time of unprecedented political and racial unrest, heightened by three months of quarantine due to a global pandemic. The stand-out moment during her Tiny Desk was the premiere of "Gramercy Park", a song from her upcoming self-titled album, ALICIA, which is set to be released this fall. It's one of those timeless songs that will transcend radio formats and genres, with lyrics that address how utter selflessness and worrying about making everyone happy but yourself can throw your own center askew. The song's spiritual refrain is sure to be a sing-along moment for the rest of Keys's career. She told the crowd after "Gramercy Park" that she's struggled with appeasing people her whole life, but she's trying harder now to set boundaries. Luckily for the Tiny Desk audience, that resolution didn't pertain to this concert. After wrapping up what was to be a three-song set with her latest single "Underdog," which you may have seen her perform at this year's Grammys, the crowd begged for an encore. After crowdsourcing suggestions, she and her band delivered a riveting rendition of Keys's breakout 2001 single, "Fallin'." The world, now more than ever, needs more love, reflection and accountability – a mantra that's woven into every fiber of Alicia Keys's being and every lyric of her songs. SET LIST "Show Me Love" "Gramercy Park" "Underdog" "Fallin'" MUSICIANS Alicia Keys: vocals, piano; RAII & Whitney: vocals; Ant Parrish: bass; Curt Chambers: guitar; Mike Reid: drums; Omar Edwards: keys. CREDITS Producers: Abby O'Neill, Morgan Noelle Smith, Kara Frame; Creative director: Bob Boilen; Audio engineers: Josh Rogosin, Natasha Branch; Videographers: Kara Frame, Maia Stern, Melany Rochester, Shanti Hands; Editor: Maia Stern; Associate Producer: Bobby Carter; Executive producer: Lauren Onkey; VP, programming: Anya Grundmann; Photo: Kisha Ravi/NPR

viernes, julio 12, 2024

Quote sobre la Inteligencia Artificial, la colada y fregar platos (by Joanna Maciejewska) #quote #IA #AI #JoannaMaciejewska #colada #platos #laundry #dishes

En el post de hoy os propongo una frase o quote de Joanna Maciejewska, autora de videojuegos que reflexiona sobre la Inteligencia Artificial y lo que debería ayudar en realidad:

"I want AI to do my laundry and dishes so that I can do art writing, not for AI to do my art and writing so that I can do my laundry and wishes"

by Joanna Maciejewska

Que en su traducción debería ser más o menos:

"Todo lo que quiero de la IA es que se encargue de mi colada y de fregar mis platos para que asó yo pueda escribir arte, y no que la IA haga mi arte ni mis escritos para que yo pueda hacer la colada y fregar los platos"

by Joanna Maciejewska

jueves, julio 11, 2024

Concierto de Green Day en el metro de New York - 30 años de Dookie (NYC 16/1/2024 with Jimmy Fallon) #GreenDay #Dookie #BasketCase #JimmyFallon #NewYork #NYC

 El otro día me enteré que para conmemorar los 30 años de la aparición del disco Dookie by Green Day, creo que fue uno de los primeros CDs que me compré, la banda norteamericana quiso ofrecer un concierto en el metro de New York.

Green Day Acoustic Live in the New York Subway (With Jimmy Fallon) - 16/01/2024 [Full]

This is the full performance of Green Day's surprise show in the NYC Subway station with Jimmy Fallon the 16th of January of 2024. The live was played acoustic in it's entierty, and Jimmy Fallon plays the tambourine during the whole concert. Tracklist : 00:00 | Intro 00:31 | Feel Like Makin' Love (Bad Company cover) 03:20 | Basket Case 06:36 | Look Ma, No Brains! 08:43 | Rock And Roll All Nite (KISS cover) 12:03 | Dilemma 15:13 | American Idiot I do not own anything, all rights goes to Green Day.

miércoles, julio 10, 2024

Quote sobre lo que los clientes quieren que pronunció Steve Jobs #SteveJobs #Aple #quote #frase #clientes #novedades

En el post de hoy os traigo una frase del fundador y gurú de Apple Steve Jobs sobre lo que quieren los clientes:

"No puedes limitarte a preguntarles a los clientes qué es lo que quieren y tratar de dárselo. En el momento en que lo hayas conseguido ellos ya querán algo nuevo"

by Steve Jobs

martes, julio 09, 2024

BBC Ideas: ¿Por qué ser biligüe es bueno para tu cerebro? - Why being bilingual is good for your brain #bilingue #cerebro #brain #lenguas

En el post de hoy os propongo este vídeo de BBC Ideas en el que explica ¿Por qué ser biligüe es bueno para tu cerebro?

Why being bilingual is good for your brain | BBC Ideas

What does bilingualism do to the brain? And are there benefits to being bilingual? Turns out there are lots of upsides. 🧠 Made by Black Lab Films Subscribe to BBC Ideas 👉 https://bbc.in/2F6ipav ____________________________ Do you have a curious mind? You’re in the right place. Our aim on BBC Ideas is to feed your curiosity, to open your mind to new perspectives, and to leave you that little bit smarter. So dive in. Let us know what you think. And make sure to subscribe! 👉https://bbc.in/2F6ipav Visit our website to see all of our videos: https://www.bbc.com/ideas And follow BBC Ideas on Twitter:   / bbcideas   #bbcideas #language #brain #bilingual