John R. Mergendoller es investigador principal del Buck Institute for Education (BIE) en Novato (California - USA), una organización sin ánimo de lucro cerca de San Francisco. Entre 2000 y 2015 ha sido director ejecutivo del BIE, y ha encabezado la expansión y le ha hecho ganar una buena reputación por su calidad de su trabajo. Sus publicaciones abrazan campos como la tecnología educativa, la enseñanza de ciencias, la reforma de los grados intermedios y el aprendizaje basado en proyectos (Project Based Learning).
La conferencia de John Mergendoller titulada Does project based learning (PBL) teach critical thinking? fue interesante:
Segun John Mergendoller, los profesores deben preguntarse:
How often my students practice CRITICAL THINKING each week?
Mis estudiantes practican cada semana el PENSAMIENTO CRÍTICO?
- Yes
- I'm trying to do this
- I'm not sure it's possible
• Social – built on dialogue
• Asking questions – judging answers
• Coached, modeled and supported by teachers and students
• Energized by authentiuc problems PBL
Does project based learning (PBL) teach critical thinking?
1.Ask students REAL QUESTIONS (no Google questions). More than 1 plausible answer
2. Ask students to discuss and compare answer using CRITERIA
3. Teach students that PREFERENCE or STATUS are not acceptable CRITERIA
4. Give students TIME to think and formulate ideas Thinking … please wait
5. Ask students to EXPLAIN their thinking and that of others
Takeaways - lo que nos debemos llevar a casa:
Essential Project Design Elements:
Project Based Teaching Practices
Al final John Mergendoller le da mucha importancia al critical thinking focus , puesto que es what is the power of PBL?
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