Se trata de un servicio en el que preguntas en inglés aquello que te pase por la cabeza, y que te pique la curiosidad, y hay una serie de mecanismos automáticos por un lado y un pool de gente que atiende a tu pregunta con respuestas muy curradas.
Precisamente en la web de AskMeNow aparece una sección llamada Fun Q&As (Questions and Answers) en la que ponen en inglés las preguntas más curiosas que han recibido y han tenido que contestar en la última semana. A día de hoy, las preguntas de esta sección son respectivamente la pregunta más interesante, la más complicada, la más útil y la más extraña de la semana:
Most Interesting Question of the week:
Q: How do dolphins sleep?
A: Dolphins have to be conscious to breath. This means that they cannot go into a full deep sleep, because then they would suffocate. Dolphins have "solved" that by letting one half of their brain sleep at a time. This has been determined by doing EEG studies on dolphins. Dolphins sleep about 8 hours day in this fashion.
Hardest Question of the week:
Q: When cooking yogurt and tomato sauce how do you stop it from separating?
A: According to our reference site, use cornstarch when cooking to keep the yogurt and tomato sauce from separating.
Useful Question of the week:
Q: How many songs does a one gigabyte memory card hold?
A typical MP3 song size is about 4MB so the average per one gigabyte of memory is about 250 songs.
Weirdest Question of the week:
Q: Why do Asians turn red when drinking alcohol?
A: As many as 50 percent of people of Asian descent experience a flushed complexion after drinking alcohol. Its called "Alcohol flush reaction", the more technical name, describes the body's inability to break down ingested alcohol completely. They have an inactive enzyme, aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2), which is normally responsible for breaking down acetaldehyde, a byproduct of the metabolism of alcohol. Acetaldehyde is a toxin and if your body can't break it down, it accumulates and causes flushing. Other symptoms you might experience include dizziness, nausea, headaches, and an increased pulse.
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