martes, octubre 08, 2024

TED: ¿Por qué no tenemos todavía mejores robots? (by Ken Goldberg) #TED #TEDTalks #robots #robot #evolucion #futuro #KenGoldberg

Hoy os invito a ver la charla TED ¿Por qué no tenemos todavía mejores robots? o Why Don’t We Have Better Robots Yet? que presentó Ken Goldberg

Why Don’t We Have Better Robots Yet? | Ken Goldberg | TED

Why hasn't the dream of having a robot at home to do your chores become a reality yet? With three decades of research expertise in the field, roboticist Ken Goldberg sheds light on the clumsy truth about robots — and what it will take to build more dexterous machines to work in a warehouse or help out at home.

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