domingo, septiembre 08, 2024

TED-ED: ¿Podríamos fabricar un Sol en miniatura para la Tierra? (by George Zaidan) #TEDED #Sol #Tierra #miniatura #energia #Earth #Sun #curiosidad #howto

Hoy os propongo ver el TED-ED de George Zaidan que se pregunta ¿Podríamos fabricar un Sol en miniatura para la Tierra?

Could we build a miniature sun on Earth? - George Zaidan

Explore the possibility of nuclear fusion technology to create limitless, on-demand energy with almost no emissions.
Stars have cores hot and dense enough to force atomic nuclei together, forming larger, heavier nuclei in a process known as fusion. In this process, the mass of the end products is slightly less than the mass of the initial atoms. But that “lost” mass doesn’t disappear — it’s converted to energy ... a lot of energy. So, can we harness this energy to power the world? George Zaidan investigates.
Lesson by George Zaidan, directed by Igor Ćorić, Artrake Studio.
This video made possible in collaboration with Speed & Scale

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