Solve for X - A forum to encourage and amplify technology-based moonshot thinking and collaboration
Solve for X es un lugar donde los curiosos pueden ir a escuchar y discutir ideas tecnológicas radicales para resolver problemas globales. Radicales en el sentido que la solución podría ayudar a miles de millones de personas. Radical en el sentido que la audacia de las propuestas las hagan sonar como ciencia ficción. Y radical en el sentido que hay algún logro tecnológico real en el horizonte que nos da esperanza para que estas ideas puedan cobrar vida.
Solve For X is a place to hear about and discuss radical technology ideas for solving global problems. Radical in the sense that the solutions could help millions or billions of people. Radical in the sense that the audacity of the proposals makes them sound like science fiction. And radical in the sense that there is some real technology breakthrough on the horizon indicating that these ideas could really be brought to life.
This combination of things - a Huge Problem to solve, a Radical Solution for solving it, and Breakthrough Technology to make it happen - is the essence of a technology moonshot.
Solve For X is intended to be a forum to encourage and amplify technology-based moonshot thinking and teamwork. The forum began in 2012 with a small face-to-face event co-created and co-hosted by Astro Teller, Megan Smith, and Eric Schmidt. Watch videos of talks from that event here.
Our goal is to make Solve For X an active and collaborative website for innovators anywhere. We encourage you to become a community member: join and declare your own
La web y los eventos de Solve for X son posibles gracias a Google, y a la colaboración de MIT Technology Review, Focus Forward, TED, Prize Foundation, Singularity University, ASU Science & Imagination.
Y en la comunidad de Solve for X se encuentran entre otras las siguientes personas o instituciones:
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