La charla TED que os traigo hoy es la que realizó Marc Català en el TED x IESE Barcelona y que se tituló TED: Thinking through our Doodles:
TED: Thinking through our Doodles | Marc Català | TEDxIESEBarcelona
Marc argues that, as humans, we think in images as much as in words and that this visual language is a more direct and powerful way to transmit complex ideas in easy to understand ways. In his talk, Marc takes us on a journey of diagrammatic thinking and how we intuitively use diagrams to represent the world around us and solve problems without even realizing it.
Marc Català is a visual writer working in design thinking. He is Creative Director at Mucho, a branding, packaging, and graphic design studio based out of Barcelona, Paris, San Francisco, New York and Sydney This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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