La charla TED de hoy se realizó en la jornada TED x UPF Mataró por parte de Txell Costa y llevó por titulo Cómo montar una empresa rentable, ética y feliz
Cómo montar una empresa rentable, ética y feliz. | Txell Costa | TEDxUPFMataró
¿Cómo se monta una empresa?
¿Cómo cambiará el mercado laboral en un futuro?
Y, sobre todo, ¿cómo podremos ser más felices en el trabajo?
La conferenciante y profesora universitaria Txell Costa reinterpreta el conocido Business Model Canva para fundar empresas más rentables y humanas, con una mejor inteligencia emocional y con un liderazgo y gestión de equipos más horizontal.
La autora del libro bestseller "Working Happy. Todo lo que necesitas para montar la mejor empresa del mundo: la tuya" nos explica cómo integrar la felicidad en las organizaciones y las ventajas de hacerlo.
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
Evento: TEDxUPFMataró 2017 -
Organizer: Roger Viladrosa -
¡Hola! Soy Txell Costa
Sí, todo lo que lees aquí arriba es cierto (soy periodista de formación).
Me dedico a cambiar la vida de las personas a través del marketing y la comunicación.
Durante estos años he trabajado con más de 2000 autónomos y pequeñas empresas de todo el mundo para crear marcas potentes y únicas, que enamoren; estrategias de redes sociales y webs que realmente se traduzcan en ventas; hemos trabajado las relaciones públicas y las apariciones en medios de comunicación para darles visibilidad y hemos estudiado los productos y servicios más rentables para que ganen calidad de vida.
Event: TEDxUPFMataró
Organizer: Roger Viladrosa
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
sábado, junio 30, 2018
TED: Cómo montar una empresa rentable, ética y feliz (by Txell Costa)
Publicado por
sábado, junio 30, 2018

viernes, junio 29, 2018
Brothers in arms (on live by Dire Straits & Eric Clapton)
El vídeo musical de hoy viernes es el de la canción Brothers in arms en directo en el concierto que tuvo lugar en Wembley en 1988 con motivo del 70 cumpleaños de Nelson Mandela.
Dire Straits & Eric Clapton - Brothers in arms live ( best solo ever )
Dire Straits performing live with Eric Clapton at Wembley Stadium at Nelson Mandela 70th Birthday Party 11th June 1988
Dire Straits & Eric Clapton - Brothers in arms live ( best solo ever )
Dire Straits performing live with Eric Clapton at Wembley Stadium at Nelson Mandela 70th Birthday Party 11th June 1988
SpaceX 12: Live Views of Starman
El último de los vídeos y posts que os propongo de SpaceX es el del Starman...
Live Views of Starman
Live Views of Starman
Publicado por
viernes, junio 29, 2018

jueves, junio 28, 2018
SpaceX 11: Dragon Spacecraft
En esta enrega número 11 os muestro un interesante vídeo de lo que vendría a ser el proyecto SpaceX Dragon Spacecraft:
Dragon Spacecraft (by SpaceX)
Dragon Spacecraft (by SpaceX)
Publicado por
jueves, junio 28, 2018

SpaceX 10: Dragon
En esta novena entrega de la serie de posts sobre SpaceX, vamos a ver el Space X Dragon:
SpaceX Dragon
First private spacecraft to the space station
A continuación un overview de las diferentes partes que componen el SpaceX Dragon:
El Space X Dragon tiene 3 configuraciones o modalidades según su uso:
Esta recreación sería la modalidad de SpaceX Dragon Crew para pasajeros:
Esta sería la modalidad de SpaceX Dragon Dragonlab como laboratorio de microgravedad:
En la web pueden encontrarse los diferentes hitos o milestones del proyecto:
SpaceX Dragon
First private spacecraft to the space station
A continuación un overview de las diferentes partes que componen el SpaceX Dragon:
El Space X Dragon tiene 3 configuraciones o modalidades según su uso:
- Cargo
- Crew
- Dragonlab
A continuación vemos la configuración de SpaceX Dragon Cargo para cargamento de mercancías:
Esta recreación sería la modalidad de SpaceX Dragon Crew para pasajeros:
Esta sería la modalidad de SpaceX Dragon Dragonlab como laboratorio de microgravedad:
En la web pueden encontrarse los diferentes hitos o milestones del proyecto:
miércoles, junio 27, 2018
SpaceX 9: Falcon Heavy Test Flight
La novena entrega de la serie está protagonizada por un increible test que tuvo lugar hace unos meses de SpaceX Falcon Heavy Test Flight
Falcon Heavy Test Flight (by SpaceX)
Following its first test launch, Falcon Heavy is now the most powerful operational rocket in the world by a factor of two. With the ability to lift into orbit nearly 64 metric tons (141,000 lb)---a mass greater than a 737 jetliner loaded with passengers, crew, luggage and fuel--Falcon Heavy can lift more than twice the payload of the next closest operational vehicle, the Delta IV Heavy, at one-third the cost. Falcon Heavy draws upon the proven heritage and reliability of Falcon 9.
Its first stage is composed of three Falcon 9 nine-engine cores whose 27 Merlin engines together generate more than 5 million pounds of thrust at liftoff, equal to approximately eighteen 747 aircraft. Only the Saturn V moon rocket, last flown in 1973, delivered more payload to orbit. Falcon Heavy was designed from the outset to carry humans into space and restores the possibility of flying missions with crew to the Moon or Mars.
Falcon Heavy Test Flight (by SpaceX)
Following its first test launch, Falcon Heavy is now the most powerful operational rocket in the world by a factor of two. With the ability to lift into orbit nearly 64 metric tons (141,000 lb)---a mass greater than a 737 jetliner loaded with passengers, crew, luggage and fuel--Falcon Heavy can lift more than twice the payload of the next closest operational vehicle, the Delta IV Heavy, at one-third the cost. Falcon Heavy draws upon the proven heritage and reliability of Falcon 9.
Its first stage is composed of three Falcon 9 nine-engine cores whose 27 Merlin engines together generate more than 5 million pounds of thrust at liftoff, equal to approximately eighteen 747 aircraft. Only the Saturn V moon rocket, last flown in 1973, delivered more payload to orbit. Falcon Heavy was designed from the outset to carry humans into space and restores the possibility of flying missions with crew to the Moon or Mars.
Publicado por
miércoles, junio 27, 2018

martes, junio 26, 2018
SpaceX 8: Falcon Heavy Animation
En este octavo capítulo veremos una animación de lo que es el proyecto del cohete SpaceX Falcon Heavy:
Falcon Heavy Animation (by SpaceX
When Falcon Heavy lifts off, it will be the most powerful operational rocket in the world by a factor of two. With the ability to lift into orbit nearly 64 metric tons (141,000 lb)---a mass greater than a 737 jetliner loaded with passengers, crew, luggage and fuel--Falcon Heavy can lift more than twice the payload of the next closest operational vehicle, the Delta IV Heavy, at one-third the cost.
Falcon Heavy's first stage is composed of three Falcon 9 nine-engine cores whose 27 Merlin engines together generate more than 5 million pounds of thrust at liftoff, equal to approximately eighteen 747 aircraft.
Following liftoff, the two side boosters separate from the center core and return to landing sites for future reuse. The center core, traveling further and faster than the side boosters, also returns for reuse, but lands on a drone ship located in the Atlantic Ocean.
At max velocity the Roadster will travel 11 km/s (7mi/s) and travel 400 million km (250 million mi) from Earth.
Falcon Heavy Animation (by SpaceX
When Falcon Heavy lifts off, it will be the most powerful operational rocket in the world by a factor of two. With the ability to lift into orbit nearly 64 metric tons (141,000 lb)---a mass greater than a 737 jetliner loaded with passengers, crew, luggage and fuel--Falcon Heavy can lift more than twice the payload of the next closest operational vehicle, the Delta IV Heavy, at one-third the cost.
Falcon Heavy's first stage is composed of three Falcon 9 nine-engine cores whose 27 Merlin engines together generate more than 5 million pounds of thrust at liftoff, equal to approximately eighteen 747 aircraft.
Following liftoff, the two side boosters separate from the center core and return to landing sites for future reuse. The center core, traveling further and faster than the side boosters, also returns for reuse, but lands on a drone ship located in the Atlantic Ocean.
At max velocity the Roadster will travel 11 km/s (7mi/s) and travel 400 million km (250 million mi) from Earth.
lunes, junio 25, 2018
SpaceX 7: Falcon Heavy
El séptimo post sobre SpaceX está dedicado al más potente de todos los cohetes del mundo, el SpaceX Falcon Heavy
SpaceX Falcon Heavy
The Worl's most Powerful Rocket
A continuación las partes del Space X Falcon Heavy:
Según la siguiente comparativa, el SpaceX Falcon Heavy es el cohete más potente del mundo con una carga que puede llegar hasta los 63.800Kg, por encima del Space Shuttle, el Proton M, el Delta IV Heavy, el Titaln IV-B, el Ariane S ES, el Atlas V551, el Japan H28 y el China LM38
En la web se pueden seguir los hitos que va consiguiendo el proyecto de Space X con Falcon Heavy
SpaceX Falcon Heavy
The Worl's most Powerful Rocket
A continuación las partes del Space X Falcon Heavy:
Según la siguiente comparativa, el SpaceX Falcon Heavy es el cohete más potente del mundo con una carga que puede llegar hasta los 63.800Kg, por encima del Space Shuttle, el Proton M, el Delta IV Heavy, el Titaln IV-B, el Ariane S ES, el Atlas V551, el Japan H28 y el China LM38
En la web se pueden seguir los hitos que va consiguiendo el proyecto de Space X con Falcon Heavy
Publicado por
lunes, junio 25, 2018

domingo, junio 24, 2018
TED: Resetea tu vida y encuentra tu propósito (by Cristina Muñoz)
La charla TED de este domingo es la que realizó Cristina Muñoz en el TED x Cuesta del Bailío y se tituló Resetea tu vida y encuentra tu propósito
Resetea tu vida y encuentra tu propósito | Cristina Muñoz | TEDxCuestadelBailío
El ser humano siempre ha buscado la felicidad. Sin embargo, nadie en la escuela nos dio el manual de instrucciones. Se olvidaron de decirnos que para que tu vida tenga sentido, es imprescindible vivir con propósito. Y eso significa tener visión, misión y rumbo. Saber quien eres, lo que quieres, y lo que vas a aportar al mundo. Cuando realmente conectas con tu poder interno, desarrollas tus fortalezas y talentos, y pones en activo tu capacidad creadora, te conviertes en una fuente inagotable de energía.
Diplomada en turismo, licenciada en publicidad y RRPP y Health Coach. Después de trabajar 6 años en el sector del marketing digital, se reinventó a nivel personal y profesional para convertirse en una health Influencer. Es creadora del blog El Universo de Cris, y fundadora de Vegan Up.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
Resetea tu vida y encuentra tu propósito | Cristina Muñoz | TEDxCuestadelBailío
El ser humano siempre ha buscado la felicidad. Sin embargo, nadie en la escuela nos dio el manual de instrucciones. Se olvidaron de decirnos que para que tu vida tenga sentido, es imprescindible vivir con propósito. Y eso significa tener visión, misión y rumbo. Saber quien eres, lo que quieres, y lo que vas a aportar al mundo. Cuando realmente conectas con tu poder interno, desarrollas tus fortalezas y talentos, y pones en activo tu capacidad creadora, te conviertes en una fuente inagotable de energía.
Diplomada en turismo, licenciada en publicidad y RRPP y Health Coach. Después de trabajar 6 años en el sector del marketing digital, se reinventó a nivel personal y profesional para convertirse en una health Influencer. Es creadora del blog El Universo de Cris, y fundadora de Vegan Up.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
sábado, junio 23, 2018
TED: Si quieres trabajar mañana,aprende a despedirte hoy (by Emiliano Perez Ansaldi)
Esta frase es un buen hang up para empezar a ver esta charla TED: "No se puede salir de la zona de confort, te hechan a patadas en el culo". Os recomiendo la charla TED titulada Si quieres trabajar mañana, aprende a despedirte hoy por parte de Emiliano Perez Ansaldi
Si quieres trabajar mañana,aprende a despedirte hoy | Emiliano Perez Ansaldi | TEDxAlmendraMedieval
Emiliano Perez Ansaldi nos cuenta que nunca más vamos a pisar en terreno firme en materia de empleo. La vida promedio de las empresas en España y en casi todo el mundo es de 11 años y nuestra vida laboral media es de 43 años. ¿Quién dijo que existía un trabajo en la misma empresa para toda la vida?
Las aulas están llenas de frustración. Deberían enseñarnos que el error es parte fundamental del aprendizaje. El fracaso es no ser capaz de descubrir en qué eres mejor que otra persona, en algo en concreto.
Emiliano Pérez Ansaldi está considerado por diversos portales especializados, como una de las figuras más relevantes del marketing online de hispanoamérica. Es Licenciado en Diseño Gráfico y Publicidad por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Lleva vinculado 20 años al mundo de la publicidad, el marketing y la tecnología, trabajando para agencias de Argentina, Estados Unidos y España.Trabaja como consultor externo de diseño y marketing online o CMO para agencias de Madrid, Barcelona, Valladolid y Gijón. Tarea que compagina con las clases que imparte en numerosas escuelas de negocios a ambos lados del Atlántico. Ha participado como ponente o formador en innumerables eventos de divulgación sobre los beneficios de las redes sociales, el desarrollo web y el marketing tanto en España como en Latinoamérica.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
Si quieres trabajar mañana,aprende a despedirte hoy | Emiliano Perez Ansaldi | TEDxAlmendraMedieval
Emiliano Perez Ansaldi nos cuenta que nunca más vamos a pisar en terreno firme en materia de empleo. La vida promedio de las empresas en España y en casi todo el mundo es de 11 años y nuestra vida laboral media es de 43 años. ¿Quién dijo que existía un trabajo en la misma empresa para toda la vida?
Las aulas están llenas de frustración. Deberían enseñarnos que el error es parte fundamental del aprendizaje. El fracaso es no ser capaz de descubrir en qué eres mejor que otra persona, en algo en concreto.
Emiliano Pérez Ansaldi está considerado por diversos portales especializados, como una de las figuras más relevantes del marketing online de hispanoamérica. Es Licenciado en Diseño Gráfico y Publicidad por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Lleva vinculado 20 años al mundo de la publicidad, el marketing y la tecnología, trabajando para agencias de Argentina, Estados Unidos y España.Trabaja como consultor externo de diseño y marketing online o CMO para agencias de Madrid, Barcelona, Valladolid y Gijón. Tarea que compagina con las clases que imparte en numerosas escuelas de negocios a ambos lados del Atlántico. Ha participado como ponente o formador en innumerables eventos de divulgación sobre los beneficios de las redes sociales, el desarrollo web y el marketing tanto en España como en Latinoamérica.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
viernes, junio 22, 2018
Billy Jean (on live by Michael Jackson)
El video musical de este viernes está dedicado a Michael Jackson, y en una de sus primeras actuaciones donde mostró su famoso baile de moonwalk en la excepcional canción Billie Jean
michael jackson - billie jean live first time moonwalk
Michael Jackson first time singing and dancing to Billie jean live plus a the moonwalk
michael jackson - billie jean live first time moonwalk
Michael Jackson first time singing and dancing to Billie jean live plus a the moonwalk
SpaceX 6: Falcon 9 Reusable
A continuación un interesante vídeo del primer test del Falcon 9 Reusable o SpaceX F9R
F9R First Flight Test | 250m (by SpaceX)
Video of Falcon 9 Reusable (F9R) taking its first test flight at our rocket development facility. F9R lifts off from a launch mount to a height of approximately 250m, hovers and then returns for landing just next to the launch stand. Early flights of F9R will take off with legs fixed in the down position. However, we will soon be transitioning to liftoff with legs stowed against the side of the rocket and then extending them just before landing.
The F9R testing program is the next step towards reusability following completion of the Grasshopper program last year (Grasshopper can be seen in the background of this video). Future testing, including that in New Mexico, will be conducted using the first stage of a F9R as shown here, which is essentially a Falcon 9 v1.1 first stage with legs. F9R test flights in New Mexico will allow us to test at higher altitudes than we are permitted for at our test site in Texas, to do more with unpowered guidance and to prove out landing cases that are more-flight like.
F9R First Flight Test | 250m (by SpaceX)
Video of Falcon 9 Reusable (F9R) taking its first test flight at our rocket development facility. F9R lifts off from a launch mount to a height of approximately 250m, hovers and then returns for landing just next to the launch stand. Early flights of F9R will take off with legs fixed in the down position. However, we will soon be transitioning to liftoff with legs stowed against the side of the rocket and then extending them just before landing.
The F9R testing program is the next step towards reusability following completion of the Grasshopper program last year (Grasshopper can be seen in the background of this video). Future testing, including that in New Mexico, will be conducted using the first stage of a F9R as shown here, which is essentially a Falcon 9 v1.1 first stage with legs. F9R test flights in New Mexico will allow us to test at higher altitudes than we are permitted for at our test site in Texas, to do more with unpowered guidance and to prove out landing cases that are more-flight like.
Publicado por
viernes, junio 22, 2018

jueves, junio 21, 2018
SpaceX 5: Falcon 9 video
En esta quinta entrega os muestro el vídeo de presentación del Falcon 9 o SpaceX F9
Falcon 9 Rocket (by SpaceX)
Falcon 9 Rocket (by SpaceX)
SpaceX 4: Falcon 9
En esta cuarta entrega de posts sobre SpaceX, quiero hablar sobre la serie de cohetes denominada Falcon 9
Falcon 9 & Dragon to return astronauts to space...
Ambas series están diseñadas para llevar y retornar astronautas de la Tierra al espacio
A continuación las partes de un cohete Space X Falcon 9 para lanzar satélites al espacio, y astronautas al espacio y a otros planetas...
LAs secciones de Falcon 9 se denominan: Payload (Dragon Spacecraft), Interstage, Second Stage and First Stage....
En la web de SpaceX Falcon 9 puedes encontrar algunos de los hitos conseguidos:
Falcon 9 & Dragon to return astronauts to space...
Ambas series están diseñadas para llevar y retornar astronautas de la Tierra al espacio
A continuación las partes de un cohete Space X Falcon 9 para lanzar satélites al espacio, y astronautas al espacio y a otros planetas...
LAs secciones de Falcon 9 se denominan: Payload (Dragon Spacecraft), Interstage, Second Stage and First Stage....
En la web de SpaceX Falcon 9 puedes encontrar algunos de los hitos conseguidos:
Publicado por
jueves, junio 21, 2018

miércoles, junio 20, 2018
SpaceX 3: BFR overview
El tercer capítulo sobre Space X se presenta en forma de un vídeo de introducción sobre lo que es BFR: Big Fucking Rocket or Big Falcon Rocket...
BFR Overview (by Space X)
On September 29th, 2017, SpaceX CEO and Lead Designer Elon Musk presented an updated vehicle design for what’s currently being referred to as BFR. A key challenge with the original vehicle design was figuring out how to pay for it. The updated design solves this problem by leveraging a slightly smaller vehicle that can service all greater Earth orbit needs as well as the Moon and Mars. This single system—one booster and one ship—will eventually replace Falcon 9, Falcon Heavy and Dragon. By creating a single system that can service a variety of markets, SpaceX can redirect resources from Falcon 9, Falcon Heavy and Dragon to the BFR system—which is fundamental in making BFR affordable.
BFR Overview (by Space X)
On September 29th, 2017, SpaceX CEO and Lead Designer Elon Musk presented an updated vehicle design for what’s currently being referred to as BFR. A key challenge with the original vehicle design was figuring out how to pay for it. The updated design solves this problem by leveraging a slightly smaller vehicle that can service all greater Earth orbit needs as well as the Moon and Mars. This single system—one booster and one ship—will eventually replace Falcon 9, Falcon Heavy and Dragon. By creating a single system that can service a variety of markets, SpaceX can redirect resources from Falcon 9, Falcon Heavy and Dragon to the BFR system—which is fundamental in making BFR affordable.
Publicado por
miércoles, junio 20, 2018

martes, junio 19, 2018
SpaceX 2: Making Life Multiplanetary
En este segundo post sobre Space X os invito a ver una interesante presentación de Elon Musk en el marco del congreso International Astronautical Congress (IAC) en Adelaida (Australia).
Making Life Multiplanetary (by SpaceX)
On September 29th at the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) in Adelaide, Australia, SpaceX CEO and Lead Designer Elon Musk provided an update to his 2016 presentation regarding the long-term technical challenges that need to be solved to support the creation of a permanent, self-sustaining human presence on Mars.
Making Life Multiplanetary (by SpaceX)
On September 29th at the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) in Adelaide, Australia, SpaceX CEO and Lead Designer Elon Musk provided an update to his 2016 presentation regarding the long-term technical challenges that need to be solved to support the creation of a permanent, self-sustaining human presence on Mars.
lunes, junio 18, 2018
SpaceX 1: Intro
A continuación voy a recoger en una serie de artículos los diferentes proyectos en los que se ha embarcado Elon Musk y su empresa SpaceX.
Space X Mars
Making life multiplanetary
“You want to wake up in the morning and think the future is going to be great - and that's what being a spacefaring civilization is all about. It's about believing in the future and thinking that the future will be better than the past. And I can't think of anything more exciting than going out there and being among the stars.”
En sucesivos vídeos vamos a ver la presentación de Elan Musk "Making a Multiplanet Species"
BFR: Big Fucking Rocket o Big Falcon Rocket
Falcon 9 - First Stage
Falcon 9 Milestones
International Space Station Missions
Moon Mission
BFR - Earth to Earth
Space X Mars
Making life multiplanetary
“You want to wake up in the morning and think the future is going to be great - and that's what being a spacefaring civilization is all about. It's about believing in the future and thinking that the future will be better than the past. And I can't think of anything more exciting than going out there and being among the stars.”
En sucesivos vídeos vamos a ver la presentación de Elan Musk "Making a Multiplanet Species"
BFR: Big Fucking Rocket o Big Falcon Rocket
Falcon 9 - First Stage
Falcon 9 Milestones
International Space Station Missions
Moon Mission
BFR - Earth to Earth
domingo, junio 17, 2018
TED: Quit social media (by Cal Newport)
Curioso vídeo de este TED...
Quit social media | Dr. Cal Newport | TEDxTysons
'Deep work' will make you better at what you do. You will achieve more in less time. And feel the sense of true fulfillment that comes from the mastery of a skill.
Cal Newport is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Georgetown University. In addition to studying the theoretical foundations of our digital age, Newport also writes about the impact of these technologies on the world of work. His most recent book, Deep Work, argues that focus is the new I.Q. in the modern workplace and that the ability to concentrate without distraction is becoming increasingly valuable. He previously wrote So Good They Can’t Ignore You, a book which debunks the long-held belief that “follow your passion” is good advice, and three popular books of unconventional advice for students.
Quit social media | Dr. Cal Newport | TEDxTysons
'Deep work' will make you better at what you do. You will achieve more in less time. And feel the sense of true fulfillment that comes from the mastery of a skill.
Cal Newport is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Georgetown University. In addition to studying the theoretical foundations of our digital age, Newport also writes about the impact of these technologies on the world of work. His most recent book, Deep Work, argues that focus is the new I.Q. in the modern workplace and that the ability to concentrate without distraction is becoming increasingly valuable. He previously wrote So Good They Can’t Ignore You, a book which debunks the long-held belief that “follow your passion” is good advice, and three popular books of unconventional advice for students.
Publicado por
domingo, junio 17, 2018

sábado, junio 16, 2018
TED: The brain benefits of deep sleep (by Dan Gartenberg)
La charla TED de hoy es la siguiente...
The brain benefits of deep sleep -- and how to get more of it | Dan Gartenberg
There's nothing quite like a good night's sleep. What if technology could help us get more out of it? Dan Gartenberg is working on tech that stimulates deep sleep, the most regenerative stage which (among other wonderful things) might help us consolidate our memories and form our personalities. Find out more about how playing sounds that mirror brain waves during this stage might lead to deeper sleep -- and its potential benefits on our health, memory and ability to learn.
The brain benefits of deep sleep -- and how to get more of it | Dan Gartenberg
There's nothing quite like a good night's sleep. What if technology could help us get more out of it? Dan Gartenberg is working on tech that stimulates deep sleep, the most regenerative stage which (among other wonderful things) might help us consolidate our memories and form our personalities. Find out more about how playing sounds that mirror brain waves during this stage might lead to deeper sleep -- and its potential benefits on our health, memory and ability to learn.
Publicado por
sábado, junio 16, 2018

viernes, junio 15, 2018
Cocaine (on live by Eric Clapton, Mark Knofler, Elton John, Alan Clark...)
En 1988 se reunieron en Tokyo un grupo de artistas para un gran concierto. Una de las canciones que deleitaron al público fue Cocaine de Eric Clapton, junto a Mark Knofler, Elton John, Alan Clark, Nathan East, Steve Ferrone, Ray Cooper, Katie Kissoon, Tessa Niles.
Eric Clapton/Mark Knopfler & Elton John_Cocaine Live
From Tokyo Live 1988
Eric Clapton – guitar / vocals
Mark Knopfler – guitar / vocals
Elton John – piano / vocals *
Alan Clark – keyboards
Nathan East – bass
Steve Ferrone – drums
Ray Cooper – percussion
Katie Kissoon – backing vocals
Tessa Niles – backing vocals
From Tokyo Live 1988
Eric Clapton – guitar / vocals
Mark Knopfler – guitar / vocals
Elton John – piano / vocals *
Alan Clark – keyboards
Nathan East – bass
Steve Ferrone – drums
Ray Cooper – percussion
Katie Kissoon – backing vocals
Tessa Niles – backing vocals
jueves, junio 14, 2018
Lake Zurich (Visualiser) by Gorillaz
Otro de los vídeos musicales que han dado la luz como antesala del grupo The Now Now se titula Lake Zurich:
Gorillaz - Lake Zurich (Visualiser)
Lake Zurich is taken from the brand new album THE NOW NOW . Pre-order here:
Gorillaz - Lake Zurich (Visualiser)
Lake Zurich is taken from the brand new album THE NOW NOW . Pre-order here:
Spyce - nuevo restaurante en Boston con un robot que cocina
A continuación un interesante vídeo de poco más de 1 minuto de duración que muestra la inauguración de un restaurante en la ciudad de Boston (Massachusetts) llamado SPYCE que se ha dado a conocer por tener un robot que cocina. El robot fue diseñado por 4 Ingenieros Mecánicos del MIT.
Boston's newest restaurant has a twist: Robot-cooked (WCVB Channel 5 Boston)
Four mechanical engineers from MIT are about to open a restaurant in Boston's Downtown Crossing called Spyce, an idea that started as an efficient and cost-saving way to cook.
Subscribe to WCVB on YouTube for more:
Get more Boston news:
Boston's newest restaurant has a twist: Robot-cooked (WCVB Channel 5 Boston)
Four mechanical engineers from MIT are about to open a restaurant in Boston's Downtown Crossing called Spyce, an idea that started as an efficient and cost-saving way to cook.
Subscribe to WCVB on YouTube for more:
Get more Boston news:
miércoles, junio 13, 2018
Sorcererz (Visualiser) by Gorillaz
Otra de las canciones del nuevo álbum de Gorillaz titulado The Now Now es esta que os traigo a continuación...
Gorillaz - Sorcererz (Visualiser)
Sorcererz is taken from the brand new album THE NOW NOW . Pre-order here:
Sorcererz is taken from the brand new album THE NOW NOW . Pre-order here:
Universal Credit: Opening up work (by DWP
Siguiendo con el tema de la renta universal y el Universal Credit, os propongo otro de los vídeos didácticos del
Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) de Estados Unidos de América. Esta ves se trata del vídeo:
Universal Credit: Opening up work (by DWP)
Universal Credit is designed to make sure that you’re better off in work. Find out more about Universal Credit:
Universal Credit: Opening up work (by DWP)
Universal Credit is designed to make sure that you’re better off in work. Find out more about Universal Credit:
Publicado por
miércoles, junio 13, 2018

martes, junio 12, 2018
How Universal Credit can help you into work (by DWP)
Siguiendo el vídeo de ayer de la renta universal, hoy os propongo otro vídeo del Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) que explica Cómo el Sistema de Crédito Universal puede ayudar a entrar a trabajar
How Universal Credit can help you into work
Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
Universal Credit helps you into work quickly, whether it’s full-time, part-time or temporary work. Universal Credit can top up your earnings and help you with childcare costs, no matter how many hours a week you work.
The Daily Jobseeker -
How Universal Credit can help you into work
Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
Universal Credit helps you into work quickly, whether it’s full-time, part-time or temporary work. Universal Credit can top up your earnings and help you with childcare costs, no matter how many hours a week you work.
The Daily Jobseeker -
Publicado por
martes, junio 12, 2018

lunes, junio 11, 2018
¿ Qué es el Sistema de Crédito Universal or Universal Credit ? (by DWP)
Vía el artículo Finlandia liquida su experimento sobre la Renta Básica Universal, pero no del todo (by Marc Vidal) os muestro a continuación un video que explica qué es la Sistema de Crédito Universal o Universal Credit:
DWP: What is Universal Credit? (by Department for Work and Pensions (DWP))
This short film sets out how Universal Credit will help to make work pay, the support that claimants will get and what will be expected in return.
Learn more about Universal Credit - how it works and what it will mean for you.
DWP: What is Universal Credit? (by Department for Work and Pensions (DWP))
This short film sets out how Universal Credit will help to make work pay, the support that claimants will get and what will be expected in return.
Learn more about Universal Credit - how it works and what it will mean for you.
Publicado por
lunes, junio 11, 2018

domingo, junio 10, 2018
Humility (by Gorillaz)
Después del post del anuncio del nuevo álbum de Gorilla titulado The Now Now, os quiero mostrar en este post el vídeo musical de la nueva canción Humility
Gorillaz - Humility (Official Video)
‘Humility' feat. George Benson is taken from the brand new
album THE NOW NOW . Pre-order here:
Gorillaz - Humility (Official Video)
‘Humility' feat. George Benson is taken from the brand new
album THE NOW NOW . Pre-order here:
Nuevo álbum de Gorillaz: The Now Now
Hace un tiempo, en Marzo de 2018, os hablaba de la próxima gira del grupo Gorilla (ver post Gira Humanz Tour 2018 de Gorillaz en Pues bien, hoy quiero explicar la aparición del nuevo album del grupo llamado: The Now Now (by Gorillaz)
Las primeras canciones que han dado la luz del álbum The Now Now de Gorillaz han sido Humillity, Lake Zurich y Sorcererz.
En otro post voy a colgar algunos de los vídeos musicales de este álbum, como Humility:
Repordar las fechas de la gira 2018 Gorillaz on tour que pasará por Barcelona en el Sonar 2018 el 15 de Junio, y por Bilbao en el festival Bilbao BBK Live:
En esta web puedes realizar la Pre-Order del álbum The Now Now (by Gorillaz)
Gorillaz store
The Now Now pre-order now
Las primeras canciones que han dado la luz del álbum The Now Now de Gorillaz han sido Humillity, Lake Zurich y Sorcererz.
En otro post voy a colgar algunos de los vídeos musicales de este álbum, como Humility:
Repordar las fechas de la gira 2018 Gorillaz on tour que pasará por Barcelona en el Sonar 2018 el 15 de Junio, y por Bilbao en el festival Bilbao BBK Live:
En esta web puedes realizar la Pre-Order del álbum The Now Now (by Gorillaz)
Gorillaz store
The Now Now pre-order now
Publicado por
domingo, junio 10, 2018

sábado, junio 09, 2018
TED: 3 myths about the future of work and why they're not true (by Daniel Susskind)
La charla TED que os propongo hoy corre a cargo de Daniel Susskind y se titula 3 myths about the future of work (and why they're not true)
"Will machines replace humans?" This question is on the mind of anyone with a job to lose. Daniel Susskind confronts this question and three misconceptions we have about our automated future, suggesting we ask something else: How will we distribute wealth in a world when there will be less -- or even no -- work?
This talk was presented at a TED Institute event given in partnership with Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany. TED editors featured it among our selections on the home page. Read more about the TED Institute.
Daniel Susskind (Economist) explores the impact of technology, particularly artificial intelligence, on work and society.
"Will machines replace humans?" This question is on the mind of anyone with a job to lose. Daniel Susskind confronts this question and three misconceptions we have about our automated future, suggesting we ask something else: How will we distribute wealth in a world when there will be less -- or even no -- work?
This talk was presented at a TED Institute event given in partnership with Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany. TED editors featured it among our selections on the home page. Read more about the TED Institute.
Daniel Susskind (Economist) explores the impact of technology, particularly artificial intelligence, on work and society.
Publicado por
sábado, junio 09, 2018

viernes, junio 08, 2018
jueves, junio 07, 2018
Cómo comprar unas entradas de cine con Google Assistant
Curioso vídeo de la demo del asistente de Google Google Assistant para poder comprar unas entradas de cine, en concreto unos tickets para ir a ver Solo de Han Solo, el último de los spin-offs de Disney aprovechando los derechos de Star Wars de Lucas Films.
Hey Google: How to get movie tickets with your Google Assistant
Buying movie tickets with the Google Assistant couldn’t be easier. This Han Solo fan will show you how.
Hey Google: How to get movie tickets with your Google Assistant
Buying movie tickets with the Google Assistant couldn’t be easier. This Han Solo fan will show you how.
miércoles, junio 06, 2018
Hey Google: Let's Drive
El vídeo que os presento hoy es el de una pequeña demo de lo que puede realizarse con el Google Assistant y las palabras "Hey Google" mientras conducimos...
Hey Google: Let's Drive
A million things made easier... like getting things done while your hands are on the wheel. Get the Google Assistant and Make Google Do It: Category
Hey Google: Let's Drive
A million things made easier... like getting things done while your hands are on the wheel. Get the Google Assistant and Make Google Do It: Category
A la venta entradas Primavera Sound 2019 (durante 48 horas)
Hoy Miércoles 6 de Junio de 2018 a partir de las 10h se ponen a la venta las primeras entradas del Primavera Sound 2019
Así lo dieron a conocer ayer vía mail...
Primavera Sound 2018 is over...
But Primavera Sound 2019 is already here! It will take place from May 30th to June 1st
Early bird ticket on sale on Wednesday June 6th to 10:00AM for only 48 hours
Así lo dieron a conocer ayer vía mail...
Primavera Sound 2018 is over...
But Primavera Sound 2019 is already here! It will take place from May 30th to June 1st
Early bird ticket on sale on Wednesday June 6th to 10:00AM for only 48 hours
Publicado por
miércoles, junio 06, 2018

martes, junio 05, 2018
Carl Sagan Christmas Lectures 6 - Planetary Systems Beyond Our Sun
Sexta y última entrega de esta interesante serie de clases impartidas por el gran Carl Sagan Presents Six Lectures on Earth, Mars & Our Solar System … For Kids (1977).
Se trata de una tradición que empezó en 1825 el gran Michael Faraday en la The Royal Institution Christmas Lectures for Children del RIGB.
La sexta clase de Carl Sagan de 1977 se tituló Los sistemas planetarios más allá de nuestro Sol - Planetary Systems Beyond Our Sun
1977 Carl Sagan Christmas Lectures 6: Planetary Systems Beyond Our Sun
Se trata de una tradición que empezó en 1825 el gran Michael Faraday en la The Royal Institution Christmas Lectures for Children del RIGB.
La sexta clase de Carl Sagan de 1977 se tituló Los sistemas planetarios más allá de nuestro Sol - Planetary Systems Beyond Our Sun
1977 Carl Sagan Christmas Lectures 6: Planetary Systems Beyond Our Sun
lunes, junio 04, 2018
Google Assistant: pronto en smart displays
A continuación un interesante vídeo que anunciaba la aparición del Google Assistant en smart displays:
Your Google Assistant: coming soon to smart displays
With the Google Assistant on smart displays, you can hear and see the help you need. Just talk or tap to watch videos, video call loved ones, get step-by-step recipe instructions, and more.
Your Google Assistant: coming soon to smart displays
With the Google Assistant on smart displays, you can hear and see the help you need. Just talk or tap to watch videos, video call loved ones, get step-by-step recipe instructions, and more.
domingo, junio 03, 2018
TED: How can we fix the learning crisis? (by Amel Karboul)
El TED de hoy se titula How can we fix the learning crisis? y fue presentado por Amel Karboul
The most important infrastructure we have is educated minds, says former Tunisian government minister Amel Karboul. Yet too often large investments go to more visible initiatives such as bridges and roads, when it's the minds of our children that will really create a brighter future. In this sharp talk, she shares actionable ideas to ensure that every child is in school -- and learning -- within just one generation.
This talk was presented at a TED Institute event given in partnership with BCG. TED editors featured it among our selections on the home page. Read more about the TED Institute.
Amel Karboul · Education pioneer
Dr. Amel Karboul builds bridges between the private, public sector and civil society to solve today’s global challenges in education.
The most important infrastructure we have is educated minds, says former Tunisian government minister Amel Karboul. Yet too often large investments go to more visible initiatives such as bridges and roads, when it's the minds of our children that will really create a brighter future. In this sharp talk, she shares actionable ideas to ensure that every child is in school -- and learning -- within just one generation.
This talk was presented at a TED Institute event given in partnership with BCG. TED editors featured it among our selections on the home page. Read more about the TED Institute.
Amel Karboul · Education pioneer
Dr. Amel Karboul builds bridges between the private, public sector and civil society to solve today’s global challenges in education.
Publicado por
domingo, junio 03, 2018

sábado, junio 02, 2018
TED: How to tame your wandering mind (by Amishi Jha)
El TED de hoy se titula How to tame your wandering mind por parte de Amishi Jha
Amishi Jha studies how we pay attention: the process by which our brain decides what's important out of the constant stream of information it receives. Both external distractions (like stress) and internal ones (like mind-wandering) diminish our attention's power, Jha says -- but some simple techniques can boost it. "Pay attention to your attention," Jha says.
This talk was presented to a local audience at TEDxCoconutGrove, an independent event. TED's editors chose to feature it for you.
Amishi Jha studies how we pay attention: the process by which our brain decides what's important out of the constant stream of information it receives. Both external distractions (like stress) and internal ones (like mind-wandering) diminish our attention's power, Jha says -- but some simple techniques can boost it. "Pay attention to your attention," Jha says.
This talk was presented to a local audience at TEDxCoconutGrove, an independent event. TED's editors chose to feature it for you.
Publicado por
sábado, junio 02, 2018

viernes, junio 01, 2018
Money For Nothing (on live by Mark Knopfler, Eric Clapton, Sting y Phil Collins)
El vídeo musical de este viernes es una actuación especial que juntó a Mark Knopfler, Eric Clapton, Sting y Phil Collins tocando conjuntamente la popular canción de los Dire Straits Money For Nothing
Mark Knopfler, Eric Clapton, Sting & Phil Collins- Money for Nothing (Live Montserrat)
Mark Knopfler (lead guitar, lead vocals), Eric Clapton (Rhythm guitar), Phil Collins (drums), Sting (backing vocals)
Mark Knopfler, Eric Clapton, Sting & Phil Collins- Money for Nothing (Live Montserrat)
Mark Knopfler (lead guitar, lead vocals), Eric Clapton (Rhythm guitar), Phil Collins (drums), Sting (backing vocals)
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