There's a gap where we meet
Where I end and you begin
And I'm sorry for us
The dinosaurs roam the earth
The sky turns green
Where I end and you begin
I am up in the clouds
I am up in the clouds
And I can't and I can't come down
I can watch but not take part
Where I end and where you start
Where you, you left me alone
You left me alone
X will now mark the place
Like the parting of the waves
Like a house falling into the sea
Into the sea
I will eat you all alive
I will eat you all alive
I will eat you all alive
I will eat you all alive
There'll be no more lies
There'll be no more lies
There'll be no more lies
There'll be no more lies
I will eat you all alive
I will eat you all alive
I will eat you all alive
I will eat you all alive
and Theres be no more lies
Theres be no more lies
Theres be no more lies
Theres be no more lies
I will eat you all alive
I will eat you all alive
I will eat you all alive
I will eat you all alive
La traducció d'aquesta cançó seria més o menys aquesta:
Hi ha un espai entremig, hi ha un espai quan ens vem conèixer, on jo acabo i tu comences.
I ho sento per nosaltres. Els dinosaures recorren la Terra, el cel es torna verd, on jo acabo i tu comences.
Jo estic en els núvols, jo estic en els núvols, i no puc i no puc baixar.
Puc veure però no prendre part, on jo acabo i on tu comences, on tu, tu em deixes sol, tu em deixes sol.
La X marcarà el lloc, com la partida de les ones, com una casa al caure del mar, en el mar.
Jo et menjaria tota viva...
No hi haurà més mentides...
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