La charla TED de este sábado en gira también en torno a la cyberseguridad. Esta vez volvemos a contar con Mikko Hyppönen y su TED sobre Fighting viruses, defending the net
TED Fighting viruses, defending the net (by Mikko Hyppönen)
It's been 25 years since the first PC virus (Brain A) hit the net, and what was once an annoyance has become a sophisticated tool for crime and espionage. Computer security expert Mikko Hyppönen tells us how we can stop these new viruses from threatening the internet as we know it.
sábado, septiembre 30, 2017
TED: Fighting viruses, defending the net (by Mikko Hyppönen)
Publicado por
sábado, septiembre 30, 2017

viernes, septiembre 29, 2017
It's No Good (by Depeche Mode)
Para finalizar el apartado musical del mes de Septiembre, nada mejor que para mi una de las mejores canciones de Depeche Mode. Se trata de la canción It's No Good
It's No Good (Official Video) - Depeche Mode
Artistas: Depeche Mode
Productores: Tim Simenon
(C) 2006 Digital Remaster Venusnote Limited/Mute Records Limited, a BMG Company, under exclusive license to Sony Music Entertainment
It's No Good (Official Video) - Depeche Mode
Artistas: Depeche Mode
Productores: Tim Simenon
(C) 2006 Digital Remaster Venusnote Limited/Mute Records Limited, a BMG Company, under exclusive license to Sony Music Entertainment
Publicado por
viernes, septiembre 29, 2017

jueves, septiembre 28, 2017
NXROBO Big-i - Un robot familiar personalizado y doméstico
En el post de hoy os quiero hablar de NXROBO Big-i, que según promocionan es The First Personalized Family Robot, es decir el primer robot familiar doméstico personalizado.
For a better home
BIG-i está diseñado para encajar con requerimientos únicos. El usuario puede programar el robot doméstico NXROBO Big-i con su propia voz para él mismo, para la familia, amigos o para la gente a la que deba cuidar.
El robot NXROBO Big-i es suave al tacto a la vez que elegante, lo que le convierte en un mueble que hace las veces de compañero inteligente que se comunica contigo utilizando los sentimientos de: happy, sad, sleep and wake
Un ejemplo de la utilidad del robot NXROBO Big-i es el siguiente:
Las especificaciones técnicas del robot NXROBO Big-i son las siguientes:
A nivel de programación y de desarrollo el robot NXROBO Big-i utiliza una versión modificada del estandar ROS:
Para finalizar os dejo con un vídeo que resume las funcionalidades y aplicaciones del robot doméstico NXROBO Big-i
BIG-i: The First Personalized Family Robot (by NXROBO)
BIG-i is here to help you and your family. Simply tell BIG-i what needs to be done, it brings convenience of the future into your home.
BIG-i is a natural-interaction robot with mobility, 3D vision , voice programming, and active perception. It can manage smart appliances to suit your needs.
BIG-i can act as the bridge between family members. It will improve itself, becoming more and more thoughtful and intelligent through your instructions. Even when you are away, BIG-i will still take care of your loved ones. BIG-i takes charge of the small daily grind so you are free to enjoy every precious moment. It means everyone feels the love and the strong bond of the family.
For a better home
BIG-i está diseñado para encajar con requerimientos únicos. El usuario puede programar el robot doméstico NXROBO Big-i con su propia voz para él mismo, para la familia, amigos o para la gente a la que deba cuidar.
El robot NXROBO Big-i es suave al tacto a la vez que elegante, lo que le convierte en un mueble que hace las veces de compañero inteligente que se comunica contigo utilizando los sentimientos de: happy, sad, sleep and wake
Un ejemplo de la utilidad del robot NXROBO Big-i es el siguiente:
Las especificaciones técnicas del robot NXROBO Big-i son las siguientes:
A nivel de programación y de desarrollo el robot NXROBO Big-i utiliza una versión modificada del estandar ROS:
Para finalizar os dejo con un vídeo que resume las funcionalidades y aplicaciones del robot doméstico NXROBO Big-i
BIG-i: The First Personalized Family Robot (by NXROBO)
BIG-i is here to help you and your family. Simply tell BIG-i what needs to be done, it brings convenience of the future into your home.
BIG-i is a natural-interaction robot with mobility, 3D vision , voice programming, and active perception. It can manage smart appliances to suit your needs.
BIG-i can act as the bridge between family members. It will improve itself, becoming more and more thoughtful and intelligent through your instructions. Even when you are away, BIG-i will still take care of your loved ones. BIG-i takes charge of the small daily grind so you are free to enjoy every precious moment. It means everyone feels the love and the strong bond of the family.
Publicado por
jueves, septiembre 28, 2017

miércoles, septiembre 27, 2017
Loving Vincent: una película que recrea el mundo de Van Gogh
A continuación os muestro el trailer de una película titulada Loving Vincent en la que se recrea el mundo según el genio Vincent Van Gogh. La película ha sido escrita y dirigida por Dorota Kobiela y Hugh Welchman
Loving Vincent Official Teaser Trailer
Loving Vincent is the world’s first fully painted feature film. Written & Directed by Dorota Kobiela & Hugh Welchman, produced by Poland’s BreakThru Films & UK’s Trademark Films.
The film brings the paintings of Vincent van Gogh to life to tell his remarkable story. Every one of the 65,000 frames of the film is an oil-painting hand-painted by 125 professional oil-painters who travelled from all across Europe to the Loving Vincent studios in Poland and Greece to be a part of the production. As remarkable as Vincent’s brilliant paintings, is his passionate and ill-fated life, and mysterious death.
No other artist has attracted more legends than Vincent van Gogh. Variously labelled a martyr, a lustful satyr, a madman, a genius and a layabout, the real Vincent is at once revealed in his letters, and obscured by myth and time. Vincent himself said in his last letter: ‘We cannot speak other than by our paintings’. We take him at his word and let the paintings tell the real story of Vincent van Gogh.
Loving Vincent was first shot as a live action film with actors then hand-painted over frame-by-frame in oils. The final effect is an interaction of the performance of the actors playing Vincent’s famous portraits, and the performance of the painting animators, bringing these characters into the medium of paint. Loving Vincent stars famous faces to match the famous paintings they portray:
“We cannot speak other than by our paintings”
Written by Vincent van Gogh in a letter the week before his death
In cinemas 2017....
Loving Vincent Official Teaser Trailer
Loving Vincent is the world’s first fully painted feature film. Written & Directed by Dorota Kobiela & Hugh Welchman, produced by Poland’s BreakThru Films & UK’s Trademark Films.
The film brings the paintings of Vincent van Gogh to life to tell his remarkable story. Every one of the 65,000 frames of the film is an oil-painting hand-painted by 125 professional oil-painters who travelled from all across Europe to the Loving Vincent studios in Poland and Greece to be a part of the production. As remarkable as Vincent’s brilliant paintings, is his passionate and ill-fated life, and mysterious death.
No other artist has attracted more legends than Vincent van Gogh. Variously labelled a martyr, a lustful satyr, a madman, a genius and a layabout, the real Vincent is at once revealed in his letters, and obscured by myth and time. Vincent himself said in his last letter: ‘We cannot speak other than by our paintings’. We take him at his word and let the paintings tell the real story of Vincent van Gogh.
Loving Vincent was first shot as a live action film with actors then hand-painted over frame-by-frame in oils. The final effect is an interaction of the performance of the actors playing Vincent’s famous portraits, and the performance of the painting animators, bringing these characters into the medium of paint. Loving Vincent stars famous faces to match the famous paintings they portray:
“We cannot speak other than by our paintings”
Written by Vincent van Gogh in a letter the week before his death
In cinemas 2017....
Publicado por
miércoles, septiembre 27, 2017

martes, septiembre 26, 2017
Concierto Radiohead - Lollapalooza Chicago 2016 - 29/7/2016
Hoy os traigo el concierto que ofreció Radiohead en el marco del Festival Lollapalooza Chicago de 2016. Ese festival que tuvo lugar en el Grant Park de Chicago (USA).
En concreto el cartel del festival Lollapalooza Chicago 2016, que cumplía 25 años, fue el siguiente:

A continuación el vídeo del concierto completo de Radiohead en el Lollapalooza Chicago del año 2016:
En concreto el cartel del festival Lollapalooza Chicago 2016, que cumplía 25 años, fue el siguiente:

A continuación el vídeo del concierto completo de Radiohead en el Lollapalooza Chicago del año 2016:
Monitorizar tu salud con un tatuaje (by DermalAbyss)
Vía el artículo Este tatuaje podría monitorizar tu salud (by, os muestro a continuación un curioso vídeo titulado Possibilities of Biosensors as a Tattooed Interface , es decir Posibilidad de Biosensores como una interfície tatuada:
DermalAbyss: Possibilities of Biosensors as a Tattooed Interface
Project Page:
Can tattoos embrace technology in order to make the skin interactive?
The Dermal Abyss is a proof-of-concept that presents a novel approach to biointerfaces in which the body surface is rendered an interactive display. Traditional tattoo inks were replaced with biosensors whose colors change in response to variations in the interstitial fluid. It blends advances in biotechnology with traditional methods in tattoo artistry.
We developed four biosensors, reacting to three biochemical information in body fluid and changes colors: The pH sensor changes between purple and pink, the glucose sensor shifts between blue and brown; the sodium and a second pH sensor fluoresce at a higher intensity under UV light.
The Dermal Abyss creates a direct access to the compartments in the body and reflects inner metabolic processes in a shape of a tattoo. It could be used for applications in continuously monitoring such as medical diagnostics, quantified self, and data encoding in the body.
Preliminary evaluation was done in an ex vivo pig skin model.Several injections in the skin were done in order to understand the visibility and functionality of the biosensors.
DermalAbyss: Possibilities of Biosensors as a Tattooed Interface
Project Page:
Can tattoos embrace technology in order to make the skin interactive?
The Dermal Abyss is a proof-of-concept that presents a novel approach to biointerfaces in which the body surface is rendered an interactive display. Traditional tattoo inks were replaced with biosensors whose colors change in response to variations in the interstitial fluid. It blends advances in biotechnology with traditional methods in tattoo artistry.
We developed four biosensors, reacting to three biochemical information in body fluid and changes colors: The pH sensor changes between purple and pink, the glucose sensor shifts between blue and brown; the sodium and a second pH sensor fluoresce at a higher intensity under UV light.
The Dermal Abyss creates a direct access to the compartments in the body and reflects inner metabolic processes in a shape of a tattoo. It could be used for applications in continuously monitoring such as medical diagnostics, quantified self, and data encoding in the body.
Preliminary evaluation was done in an ex vivo pig skin model.Several injections in the skin were done in order to understand the visibility and functionality of the biosensors.
Publicado por
martes, septiembre 26, 2017

lunes, septiembre 25, 2017
The Wolf Starring Christian Slater (by HP Studios)
En este post os muestro a continuación un curioso vídeo anuncio del actor para HP:
The Wolf Starring Christian Slater (HP Studios)
If you're not taking your printer security seriously, somoene else might be. From director Lance Acord comes The Wolf starring Christian Slater.
To learn more about how to protect your business visit
The Wolf Starring Christian Slater (HP Studios)
If you're not taking your printer security seriously, somoene else might be. From director Lance Acord comes The Wolf starring Christian Slater.
To learn more about how to protect your business visit
Publicado por
lunes, septiembre 25, 2017

domingo, septiembre 24, 2017
The Infinite Now (by Armand Dijcks)
Via el programa de televisión Generació Digital descubrí este curioso vídeo titulado The Infinite Now y creado por Armand Dijcks en el que en base a una serie de fotografías de olas se recrean en movimiento como si fuera un espectacular vídeo..
The Infinite Now (by Armand Dijcks)
Over the past months I've been working with Australian photographer Ray Collins to bring his amazing oceanscapes to life in the form of cinemagraphs, a blend between photography and video. Each cinemagraph is created from one of Ray's stills, and sets it in infinite motion, making a unique moment in time last forever.
These cinemagraphs inspired André Heuvelman from the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra to get together with pianist Jeroen van Vliet to record a very moving custom soundtrack, which I combined with a selection of the cinemagraphs.
The Infinite Now (by Armand Dijcks)
Over the past months I've been working with Australian photographer Ray Collins to bring his amazing oceanscapes to life in the form of cinemagraphs, a blend between photography and video. Each cinemagraph is created from one of Ray's stills, and sets it in infinite motion, making a unique moment in time last forever.
These cinemagraphs inspired André Heuvelman from the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra to get together with pianist Jeroen van Vliet to record a very moving custom soundtrack, which I combined with a selection of the cinemagraphs.
sábado, septiembre 23, 2017
TED: Everyday cybercrime, and what you can do about it (by James Lyne)
La charla de este sábado continúa en el tema de la ciberseguridad y de la concienciación que tenemos que hacer todos para protegernos para este tipo de ataques. La charla se titula Everyday cybercrime — and what you can do about it por parte de James Lyne. Más información en TED Everyday cybercrime — and what you can do about it
James Lyne: Everyday cybercrime -- and what you can do about it
How do you pick up a malicious online virus, the kind of malware that snoops on your data and taps your bank account? Often, it's through simple things you do each day without thinking twice.
James Lyne reminds us that it's not only the NSA that's watching us, but ever-more-sophisticated cybercriminals, who exploit both weak code and trusting human nature.
TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at
Follow TED news on Twitter:
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James Lyne: Everyday cybercrime -- and what you can do about it
How do you pick up a malicious online virus, the kind of malware that snoops on your data and taps your bank account? Often, it's through simple things you do each day without thinking twice.
James Lyne reminds us that it's not only the NSA that's watching us, but ever-more-sophisticated cybercriminals, who exploit both weak code and trusting human nature.
TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at
Follow TED news on Twitter:
Like TED on Facebook:
Publicado por
sábado, septiembre 23, 2017

viernes, septiembre 22, 2017
Enjoy the Silence - live in Berlin (by Depeche Mode)
Este viernes continuamos con Depeche Mode, esta vez en directo en un concierto en Berlin, y con una de sus míticas canciones titulada: Enjoy the Silence
Enjoy The Silence (Live in Berlin) - Depeche Mode
Artistas: Depeche Mode
Dirigido por: Anton Corbijn, Jo Molitoris
Autores: Martin L. Gore
Productores: Kirsten Sohrauer
(C) 2014 Venusnote Ltd., under exclusive license to Columbia Records, a Division of Sony Music Entertainment
Enjoy The Silence (Live in Berlin) - Depeche Mode
Artistas: Depeche Mode
Dirigido por: Anton Corbijn, Jo Molitoris
Autores: Martin L. Gore
Productores: Kirsten Sohrauer
(C) 2014 Venusnote Ltd., under exclusive license to Columbia Records, a Division of Sony Music Entertainment
jueves, septiembre 21, 2017
Top 10 países europeos más contaminantes (by ViaEmpresa - Eusostat)
Vía el artículo Els 10 països d'Europa que més contaminen (by os muestro a continuación el ranking de los 10 países europeos que más contaminan en base a los datos aportados por Eurostat en el artículo In 2016, CO2 emissions in the EU estimated to
have slightly decreased compared with 2015 (4 de Mayo de 2017).
Los 10 países de Europa con más emisiones de C02 (by Via Empresa - Eurostat)
Top 10 países europeos más contaminantes (by ViaEmpresa - Eusostat)
Los datos que incluye Eurostat en el informe indican cuál es la progresión de cada uno de los países según las estimaciones realizadas en 2015/2016...
Los 10 países de Europa con más emisiones de C02 (by Via Empresa - Eurostat)
Top 10 países europeos más contaminantes (by ViaEmpresa - Eusostat)
Los datos que incluye Eurostat en el informe indican cuál es la progresión de cada uno de los países según las estimaciones realizadas en 2015/2016...
Publicado por
jueves, septiembre 21, 2017

miércoles, septiembre 20, 2017
Lo que las ciudades pueden aprender de otras ciudades (by Smartcity Update)
Para el post de hoy os muestro un curioso vídeo que trata de resumir What cities can learn from other cities o Lo que las ciudades pueden aprender de otras ciudades, según Smartcity Update.
What cities can learn from other cities (by Smartcity Update)
One of the most important challenges for cities and communities is working together and sharing knowledge. But to make sure collaboration is relevant and effective, it is crucial to understand the issues that city leaders struggle with in their smart city projects.
What cities can learn from other cities (by Smartcity Update)
One of the most important challenges for cities and communities is working together and sharing knowledge. But to make sure collaboration is relevant and effective, it is crucial to understand the issues that city leaders struggle with in their smart city projects.
Publicado por
miércoles, septiembre 20, 2017

martes, septiembre 19, 2017
La Zooz - Social Ridesharing (
En la moda de start-ups que explotaban el tema social, en 2015 se lanzó La Zooz o
La Zooz pretendía ser una aplicación que cambiara la forma en que nos movemos...
Transportation - A new application changing the way we move
La Zooz - New Application for Ride Sharing
Get anywhere with collaborative transportation, save money while making friends
LaZooz es una idea para mejorar de forma inteligente el transporte teniendo en cuenta el tráfico, los recursos y sobretodo la colaboración entre los usuarios de la aplicación.
La'Zooz es una plataforma descentralizada de transporte propietaria de la comunidad que utiliza aquellos vehículos y aquel espacio que está infrautilizado en los desplazamientos. Para ello cuenta con la app:
Está claro que aplicación como La`Zooz necesitan de una comunidad muy activa para poder triunfar...
A continuación un vídeo que explica como funciona y su aplicación para compartir trayectos en tiempo real para permitir que la gente pueda compartir transporte:
La`Zooz - Social Ridesharing
La`Zooz is a Social real-time ride sharing app that will enable people to share their existing rides while being socially matched.
Por último, explicar que los fundadores y main contributors de son:
La Zooz pretendía ser una aplicación que cambiara la forma en que nos movemos...
Transportation - A new application changing the way we move
La Zooz - New Application for Ride Sharing
Get anywhere with collaborative transportation, save money while making friends
LaZooz es una idea para mejorar de forma inteligente el transporte teniendo en cuenta el tráfico, los recursos y sobretodo la colaboración entre los usuarios de la aplicación.
La'Zooz es una plataforma descentralizada de transporte propietaria de la comunidad que utiliza aquellos vehículos y aquel espacio que está infrautilizado en los desplazamientos. Para ello cuenta con la app:
Está claro que aplicación como La`Zooz necesitan de una comunidad muy activa para poder triunfar...
A continuación un vídeo que explica como funciona y su aplicación para compartir trayectos en tiempo real para permitir que la gente pueda compartir transporte:
La`Zooz - Social Ridesharing
La`Zooz is a Social real-time ride sharing app that will enable people to share their existing rides while being socially matched.
Por último, explicar que los fundadores y main contributors de son:
- Shay Zlif
- Oren Sokolowsky
- Eitan Katchka
Publicado por
martes, septiembre 19, 2017

lunes, septiembre 18, 2017
Conferència: Innovació i Talent (by Xavier Sala i Martín)
Avui us porto una conferència de Xavier Sala i Martín titulada "Innovació i Talent" en el marc de la Festibity que va tenir lloc en el mes de Juny de 2017.
Xavier Sala i Martín: Innovation & Talent (Conferència 15a Festibity)
Ponència integra sobre talent i innovació del reconegut economista Xavier Sala i Martín a la 15a Festibity, la festa de les tecnologies de la informació organitzada per la Facultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona i FIB Alumni. L’economista ha recordat que el motor de la innovació està en els treballadors que aporten el 72% de les idees. Experimentar, abraçar el canvi, connectar idees o ser el primer, han estat algunes de les claus que el Xavier Sala i Martín destacava a la seva ponència fent referència a empreses com Nespresso, Zara, Ikea, Cirque du Soleil, Sony, o Nokia.
L'esdeveniment, centrat aquest any en el Talent TIC, és un esdeveniment de networking i de reflexió on cada any es tracten temes rellevants del món TIC. La 15a Festibity va tenir lloc el passat 11 de maig del 2017 a la Cúpula Las Arenas i va comptar amb l'assistència de més de 600 professionals del sector, CEOS, CIOS, Fibers i representants polítics, per celebrar també el 40 aniversari de la FIB i els 25 anys de les Olimpíades de Barcelona.
➥ Minuts d'interès:
- La idea de les càpsules Nespresso té 40 anys - min: 1:25
- Qui hi ha darrere d'idees com Zara, McDonalds o Ikea? - min: 7:19
- Les 7 històries amb Talent (curiositat, observació...) - min: 10:00
- Les preguntes d'èxit d'Inditex i Amancio Ortega - min: 14:00
- Hem de cuidar la curiositat i la pregunta - min: 16:25
- Quins són els dos grans invents d'Ikea? - min: 19:03
- Com va ser el naixement del Cirque du Soleil? - min: 24:30
- La solució d'iTunes al conflicte de Napster i Sony - min: 30:25
- Perquè les taules d'Starbucks són rodones? - min: 34:25
➥ Participants:
- Web Xavier Sala i Martín: (Twitter: @XSalaimartin).
- Web de S'Temple Bar: (Twitter: STempleBar).
➥ Organitzadors:
- Festibity: (Twitter: @festibity).
- FIB: (Twitter: @ILoveBits).
- FIB Alumni: (Twitter: @FIBAlumni).
- Philinks: (Twitter: @philinks).
Xavier Sala i Martín: Innovation & Talent (Conferència 15a Festibity)
Ponència integra sobre talent i innovació del reconegut economista Xavier Sala i Martín a la 15a Festibity, la festa de les tecnologies de la informació organitzada per la Facultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona i FIB Alumni. L’economista ha recordat que el motor de la innovació està en els treballadors que aporten el 72% de les idees. Experimentar, abraçar el canvi, connectar idees o ser el primer, han estat algunes de les claus que el Xavier Sala i Martín destacava a la seva ponència fent referència a empreses com Nespresso, Zara, Ikea, Cirque du Soleil, Sony, o Nokia.
L'esdeveniment, centrat aquest any en el Talent TIC, és un esdeveniment de networking i de reflexió on cada any es tracten temes rellevants del món TIC. La 15a Festibity va tenir lloc el passat 11 de maig del 2017 a la Cúpula Las Arenas i va comptar amb l'assistència de més de 600 professionals del sector, CEOS, CIOS, Fibers i representants polítics, per celebrar també el 40 aniversari de la FIB i els 25 anys de les Olimpíades de Barcelona.
➥ Minuts d'interès:
- La idea de les càpsules Nespresso té 40 anys - min: 1:25
- Qui hi ha darrere d'idees com Zara, McDonalds o Ikea? - min: 7:19
- Les 7 històries amb Talent (curiositat, observació...) - min: 10:00
- Les preguntes d'èxit d'Inditex i Amancio Ortega - min: 14:00
- Hem de cuidar la curiositat i la pregunta - min: 16:25
- Quins són els dos grans invents d'Ikea? - min: 19:03
- Com va ser el naixement del Cirque du Soleil? - min: 24:30
- La solució d'iTunes al conflicte de Napster i Sony - min: 30:25
- Perquè les taules d'Starbucks són rodones? - min: 34:25
➥ Participants:
- Web Xavier Sala i Martín: (Twitter: @XSalaimartin).
- Web de S'Temple Bar: (Twitter: STempleBar).
➥ Organitzadors:
- Festibity: (Twitter: @festibity).
- FIB: (Twitter: @ILoveBits).
- FIB Alumni: (Twitter: @FIBAlumni).
- Philinks: (Twitter: @philinks).
domingo, septiembre 17, 2017
El futuro del trabajo a 10 años vista según Gartner
Mañana 18 de Septiembre y el 19 tendrá lugar en London (UK) el Gartner Digital Workplace Summit
Para poner en contexto el evento y llamar la atención a su público, Gartner publicó esta interesante infografía que lleva por título Digital Workplace Gartner - The Future of Work y que representa los 6 puntos clave en los que cambiará el trabajo a 10 años vista (año 2027).
Para poner en contexto el evento y llamar la atención a su público, Gartner publicó esta interesante infografía que lleva por título Digital Workplace Gartner - The Future of Work y que representa los 6 puntos clave en los que cambiará el trabajo a 10 años vista (año 2027).
Publicado por
domingo, septiembre 17, 2017

sábado, septiembre 16, 2017
Boxeo: Canelo vs Golovkin
Durante la noche del sábado 16 al domingo 17 de Septiembre de 2017 tendrá lugar la velada de boxeo que enfrentará a Canelo ante Golovkin.
La velada tendrá el siguiente horario y en el que se podrán ver otros combates previos:

La esperada pelea de Canelo vs Golovkin viene precedida por la mediática y polémica pelea entre Mayweather vs McGregor que fue de todo menos boxeo. En cambio esta será propia del boxeo:
La pelea puede verse previo pago pay per view en al precio de 12 IVA incluído.
La velada tendrá el siguiente horario y en el que se podrán ver otros combates previos:

La esperada pelea de Canelo vs Golovkin viene precedida por la mediática y polémica pelea entre Mayweather vs McGregor que fue de todo menos boxeo. En cambio esta será propia del boxeo:

La pelea puede verse previo pago pay per view en al precio de 12 IVA incluído.
TED: Three types of online attack (by Mikko Hypponen)
El TED de este sábado está dedicado a la seguridad y los cyberataques. Se trata de una charla titulada Three types of online attack realizada por Mikko Hypponen en el marco del TED x Bruselas.
Three types of online attack - TEDxBrussels - Mikko Hypponen
Mikko Hypponen: Three types of online attack (TED x Brussels) Cybercrime expert Mikko Hypponen talks us through three types of online attack on our privacy and data -- and only two are considered crimes.
TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. Featured speakers have included Al Gore on climate change, Philippe Starck on design, Jill Bolte Taylor on observing her own stroke, Nicholas Negroponte on One Laptop per Child, Jane Goodall on chimpanzees, Bill Gates on malaria and mosquitoes, Pattie Maes on the "Sixth Sense" wearable tech, and "Lost" producer JJ Abrams on the allure of mystery. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, development and the arts. Closed captions and translated subtitles in a variety of languages are now available on, at
If you have questions or comments about this or other TED videos, please go to
Three types of online attack - TEDxBrussels - Mikko Hypponen
Mikko Hypponen: Three types of online attack (TED x Brussels) Cybercrime expert Mikko Hypponen talks us through three types of online attack on our privacy and data -- and only two are considered crimes.
TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. Featured speakers have included Al Gore on climate change, Philippe Starck on design, Jill Bolte Taylor on observing her own stroke, Nicholas Negroponte on One Laptop per Child, Jane Goodall on chimpanzees, Bill Gates on malaria and mosquitoes, Pattie Maes on the "Sixth Sense" wearable tech, and "Lost" producer JJ Abrams on the allure of mystery. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, development and the arts. Closed captions and translated subtitles in a variety of languages are now available on, at
If you have questions or comments about this or other TED videos, please go to
Publicado por
sábado, septiembre 16, 2017

viernes, septiembre 15, 2017
Soothe My Soul (by Depeche Mode)
El vídeo de este viernes es de Depeche Mode y su canción Soothe My Soul
Soothe My Soul (Official Video, Explicit) - Depeche Mode
Artistas: Depeche Mode
Dirigido por: Warren Fu
Autores: Martin L. Gore
Productores: Raffi Adlan
(C) 2013 Venusnote Ltd., under exclusive license to Columbia Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
Soothe My Soul (Official Video, Explicit) - Depeche Mode
Artistas: Depeche Mode
Dirigido por: Warren Fu
Autores: Martin L. Gore
Productores: Raffi Adlan
(C) 2013 Venusnote Ltd., under exclusive license to Columbia Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment
jueves, septiembre 14, 2017
Mapa de cables submarinos del mundo (by TeleGeography)
En el post de hoy os quiero mostrar la gran cantidad de cables submarinos que nos proporcionan conectividad alrededor del mundo. Los siguientes mapas se pueden ver en la web by TeleGeography
A continuación una captura de la web, en la que podemos en la parte izquierda el mapa con los cables submarinos, y en la derecha el listado de cada uno de los nombres/empresas de estos cables:
Visión de todos los cables submarinos que existen en el globo terráqueo:
Zoom de de los cables que hay alrededor y dentro del Océano Atlántico:
A continuación una captura de la web, en la que podemos en la parte izquierda el mapa con los cables submarinos, y en la derecha el listado de cada uno de los nombres/empresas de estos cables:
Visión de todos los cables submarinos que existen en el globo terráqueo:
Zoom de de los cables que hay alrededor y dentro del Océano Atlántico:
miércoles, septiembre 13, 2017
Pandora no está disponible... en Europa
Haciendo el post Recreando portadas discos - Sounds Like (by Pandora) en, vi que la web y el servicio de Pandora no estaba disponible en Europa.
Con el mensaje siguiente explicaban que sólo dan servicio a los Estados Unidos, Australia y Nueva Zelanda...:
Pandora isn't available where you are... yet
Pandora is only available in the US, Australia, and New Zealand right now, but we are working on bringing our music service to other parts of the world
Con el mensaje siguiente explicaban que sólo dan servicio a los Estados Unidos, Australia y Nueva Zelanda...:
Pandora isn't available where you are... yet
Pandora is only available in the US, Australia, and New Zealand right now, but we are working on bringing our music service to other parts of the world
martes, septiembre 12, 2017
Cómo surfear en California y en Islandia en 24 horas? (by WowAir)
Vía el artículo Dude! How to go surfing in California & Iceland in one day (by descubrí el siguiente vídeo donde en el mismo día, una chica consigue surfear en la playa de California y en la nieve de Islandia.
Can you surf in both California & Iceland within 24 hours?
When we’re not flying you cheaply across the Atlantic, we like to do important research. Is it possible to surf in both CALIFORNIA and ICELAND within 24 hours? We teamed up with pro surfer Anastasia Ashley to find out.
Please note that this challenge was done by a world class professional surfer. Do not attempt to surf in Iceland without professional training or guidance. For this project, we relied on expert advice from Adventure Vikings, a specialized travel company in Iceland (
More info:
Can you surf in both California & Iceland within 24 hours?
When we’re not flying you cheaply across the Atlantic, we like to do important research. Is it possible to surf in both CALIFORNIA and ICELAND within 24 hours? We teamed up with pro surfer Anastasia Ashley to find out.
Please note that this challenge was done by a world class professional surfer. Do not attempt to surf in Iceland without professional training or guidance. For this project, we relied on expert advice from Adventure Vikings, a specialized travel company in Iceland (
More info:
Publicado por
martes, septiembre 12, 2017

lunes, septiembre 11, 2017
Concierto Radiohead - Osheaga - 31/7/2016 Montreal
A continuación os muestro el vídeo del concierto que ofreció Radiohead el 31 de Julio de 2016 en el Festival Osheaga en Montreal (Canada) que contaba con el siguiente cartel:

Y este fue el concierto completo de Radiohead:

Y este fue el concierto completo de Radiohead:
domingo, septiembre 10, 2017
Transformative Appetite (by Tangible Media Group - MIT Media Lab)
El post de hoy es sobre una curiosa pasta llamada Preti Pasta, diseñada por el Tangible Media Group (MIT Media Lab), que forma parte del Transformative Appetite para crear alimentos que cambian de 2D a 3D cuando entran en contacto con el agua o mientras estan siendo cocinados.
Transformative Appetite (by Tangible Media Group - MIT Media Lab)
Initiated from Tangible Media Group, MIT Media Lab, Transformative Appetite is our attempt to create shape changing food that transforms from 2D to 3D by hygromorphic interaction through cooking. The transformation process is well compatible with ‘flat packaging’ (this concept can substantially reduce shipping cost), and was achieved through material composite design, hybrid fabrication strategy and shape-stress simulation.
Creators: Prof. Hiroshi Ishii is the supervisor. Wen Wang and Lining Yao are the co-leading authors. Other team members include Teng Zhang, Chin-Yi Cheng and Daniel Levin. This project is supported by Food + Future.
Video production: Lining Yao, concept creation; Michael Indresano Production, video production; Fragmento Universo, sound composition.
Transformative Appetite (by Tangible Media Group - MIT Media Lab)
Initiated from Tangible Media Group, MIT Media Lab, Transformative Appetite is our attempt to create shape changing food that transforms from 2D to 3D by hygromorphic interaction through cooking. The transformation process is well compatible with ‘flat packaging’ (this concept can substantially reduce shipping cost), and was achieved through material composite design, hybrid fabrication strategy and shape-stress simulation.
Creators: Prof. Hiroshi Ishii is the supervisor. Wen Wang and Lining Yao are the co-leading authors. Other team members include Teng Zhang, Chin-Yi Cheng and Daniel Levin. This project is supported by Food + Future.
Video production: Lining Yao, concept creation; Michael Indresano Production, video production; Fragmento Universo, sound composition.
Publicado por
domingo, septiembre 10, 2017

sábado, septiembre 09, 2017
TED: How sampling transformed music (by Mark Ronson)
Par este fin de semana os traigo una nueva charla TED Talk que realizó en 2014 Mark Ronson con el título How sampling transformed music.
TED: How sampling transformed music (by Mark Ronson)
Sampling isn't about "hijacking nostalgia wholesale," says Mark Ronson. It's about inserting yourself into the narrative of a song while also pushing that story forward. Watch the DJ scramble 15 TED Talks into an audio-visual omelette, and trace the evolution of "La Di Da Di," Doug E. Fresh and Slick Rick's 1984 hit that has been reimagined for every generation since.
TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at
TED: How sampling transformed music (by Mark Ronson)
Sampling isn't about "hijacking nostalgia wholesale," says Mark Ronson. It's about inserting yourself into the narrative of a song while also pushing that story forward. Watch the DJ scramble 15 TED Talks into an audio-visual omelette, and trace the evolution of "La Di Da Di," Doug E. Fresh and Slick Rick's 1984 hit that has been reimagined for every generation since.
TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at
Publicado por
sábado, septiembre 09, 2017

viernes, septiembre 08, 2017
Blurred Lines (by Robin Thicke ft. T.I. & Pharrell)
Hoy viernes os muestro un curioso vídeo musical de la canción Blurred Lines de Robin Thicke ft. T.I. & Pharrell y la actuación de algunas modelos como Emily Ratatojski
Blurred Lines (Unrated Version) (Official Video, Explicit) Por Robin Thicke ft. T.I. & Pharrell
Blurred Lines (Unrated Version) (Official Video, Explicit) Por Robin Thicke ft. T.I. & Pharrell
jueves, septiembre 07, 2017
Recreando portadas discos - Sounds Like You (by Pandora)
A continuación os muestro un original vídeo promocional de Pandora en el que van recreando algunas de las más famosas portadas de discos de la historia como si se tratara de escenarios reales por donde pasa la protagonista del vídeo.
Pandora - Sounds Like You
Take a journey through some of music's most iconic album covers with Michel Gondry and Pandora. Start your free trial of Pandora Premium now and see how your Pandora #SoundsLikeYou.
Por cierto, comentar que Pandora es una web que no está disponible en Europa. Se ve que sólo funciona para US, Australia y New Zealand...
Pandora - Sounds Like You
Take a journey through some of music's most iconic album covers with Michel Gondry and Pandora. Start your free trial of Pandora Premium now and see how your Pandora #SoundsLikeYou.
Por cierto, comentar que Pandora es una web que no está disponible en Europa. Se ve que sólo funciona para US, Australia y New Zealand...
Publicado por
jueves, septiembre 07, 2017

miércoles, septiembre 06, 2017
Invasión en la Galería de Arte (by SkullMapping)
En el post de hoy os muestro a continuación un curioso vídeo en el que la factoría SkullMapping anima una exposición a base de proyecciones virtuales de lo más variopinto simulando una Invasión en la Galería o Gallery Invasion
Gallery Invasion (by SkullMapping
Experimental project with dynamic projection mapping by Skullmapping (
Directed and animated by Filip Sterckx /
Concept by Filip Sterckx + Antoon Verbeeck /
Paintings by Antoon Verbeeck /
3D modeling by Birgit Sterckx /
Sounddesign by Roundhouse /
Mocap actor: Nicolas Vanhole /
Created with the Mirror Head and MDC-X by Dynamic Projection Institute (
Gallery Invasion (by SkullMapping
Experimental project with dynamic projection mapping by Skullmapping (
Directed and animated by Filip Sterckx /
Concept by Filip Sterckx + Antoon Verbeeck /
Paintings by Antoon Verbeeck /
3D modeling by Birgit Sterckx /
Sounddesign by Roundhouse /
Mocap actor: Nicolas Vanhole /
Created with the Mirror Head and MDC-X by Dynamic Projection Institute (
martes, septiembre 05, 2017
Noke Pro o Noke for Business
Hace una semana hablábamos en el post Noke - El Candado Inteligente (en de la serie de candados inteligentes Noke para los usuarios. Pues bien, hoy vamos a hablar se su versión Pro o Enterprise.
Noke Pro o Noke for Business
Noke Pro
The most advanced hardware and software solution for access control and asset tracking
Noke Pro dispone de seguridad basada en la nube, gestión de llaves, acceso móvil, datos de localización, compartición remota y sistema de log para auditoría.
El portal web de Noke Pro permite ver, gestionar y analizar tus usuarios y cerrar a nivel de seguridad
Los candados de Noke está realizados con los mejores materiales para mantener todos los assets del equipo y del edificio de forma segura.
Los distintos sistemas de Noke Pro o Noke for Business permiten su implantación en oficinas, edificios gubernamentales, ...
Noke Pro o Noke for Business
Noke Pro
The most advanced hardware and software solution for access control and asset tracking
Noke Pro dispone de seguridad basada en la nube, gestión de llaves, acceso móvil, datos de localización, compartición remota y sistema de log para auditoría.
El portal web de Noke Pro permite ver, gestionar y analizar tus usuarios y cerrar a nivel de seguridad
Los candados de Noke está realizados con los mejores materiales para mantener todos los assets del equipo y del edificio de forma segura.
Los distintos sistemas de Noke Pro o Noke for Business permiten su implantación en oficinas, edificios gubernamentales, ...
Publicado por
martes, septiembre 05, 2017

lunes, septiembre 04, 2017
Centriphone 2/2 - making of (by Nicolas Vuignier)
Post continuación de Centriphone 1/2 - demo (by Nicolas Vuignier) en
Visto el éxito del vídeo que os mostrábamos ayer, Nicolas Vuignier publicó la web para explicar cómo lo había hecho, con el vídeo que os muestro al final de este post, e incluso para vender el gadget que construyó.
Bullet time effect on a budget
E incluso un apartado de DIY Do It Yourself donde comparte un fichero para imprimir en impresora 3D el diseño de su Centriphone para que cualquiera pueda utilizarlo en sus grabaciones.
Y para aquellos que no tienen impresora 3D, porque de momento no todo el mundo la tiene, se ofrece a vender el invento del Centriphone a unos módicos 39 CHF (francos suizos):
Para finalizar el post os dejo con el Making Of Centriphone del suizo Nico Vuignier:
Making of Centriphone by Nicolas Vuignier
Making of
Why did it took two years to get that result is a question you might be asking yourself. After all, isn't it just a piece of plastic, a string and a standard iPhone? Well, like most project Nicolas works on, it was a creative process that not only needed technical iterations, but also depended on his season's schedule. Watch the making of video to go through the key moments of the project, from its original idea to its public launch.
Visto el éxito del vídeo que os mostrábamos ayer, Nicolas Vuignier publicó la web para explicar cómo lo había hecho, con el vídeo que os muestro al final de este post, e incluso para vender el gadget que construyó.
Bullet time effect on a budget
E incluso un apartado de DIY Do It Yourself donde comparte un fichero para imprimir en impresora 3D el diseño de su Centriphone para que cualquiera pueda utilizarlo en sus grabaciones.
Y para aquellos que no tienen impresora 3D, porque de momento no todo el mundo la tiene, se ofrece a vender el invento del Centriphone a unos módicos 39 CHF (francos suizos):
Para finalizar el post os dejo con el Making Of Centriphone del suizo Nico Vuignier:
Making of Centriphone by Nicolas Vuignier
Making of
Why did it took two years to get that result is a question you might be asking yourself. After all, isn't it just a piece of plastic, a string and a standard iPhone? Well, like most project Nicolas works on, it was a creative process that not only needed technical iterations, but also depended on his season's schedule. Watch the making of video to go through the key moments of the project, from its original idea to its public launch.
Publicado por
lunes, septiembre 04, 2017

domingo, septiembre 03, 2017
Centriphone 1/2 - demo (by Nicolas Vuignier)
Vía el artículo "Centriphone: el drone dels pobres" de la Revista Esguard, os traigo a continuación un vídeo que realizó Nicolas Vuignier y que supuso una revolución al conseguir imágenes espectaculares a bajo coste.
Nicolas Vuignier no quería gastarse una fortuna en drones y cámaras, así que con imaginación desarrolló el denominado Centriphone que de forma económica le permitía obtener muy buenos vídeos de acción de forma económica.
Muestra de ello es este vídeo que se convirtió en viral al conseguir grabar imágenes espectaculares de los Alpes Suizos esquiando y sin apenas presupuesto...
Centriphone - an iPhone video experiment by Nicolas Vuignier
Centriphone is a video experiment undertaken by Swiss Freeskier Nicolas Vuignier who spent weeks developing and testing a custom made rig to take advantage of the underrated video capabilities of his smartphone. The result is a mind blowing and hypnotic short film where Nicolas floats in the powder as if time was distorted.
Watch the making of
Watch Casey Neistat try to build a centriphone:
After almost two years of tinkering and tweaking I finally achieved the result I was looking for
Petit Prince - DemiTour
2015 - Pain Surprise records
Continuará en el post Centriphone 2/2 - making of (by Nicolas Vuignier)
Nicolas Vuignier no quería gastarse una fortuna en drones y cámaras, así que con imaginación desarrolló el denominado Centriphone que de forma económica le permitía obtener muy buenos vídeos de acción de forma económica.
Muestra de ello es este vídeo que se convirtió en viral al conseguir grabar imágenes espectaculares de los Alpes Suizos esquiando y sin apenas presupuesto...
Centriphone - an iPhone video experiment by Nicolas Vuignier
Centriphone is a video experiment undertaken by Swiss Freeskier Nicolas Vuignier who spent weeks developing and testing a custom made rig to take advantage of the underrated video capabilities of his smartphone. The result is a mind blowing and hypnotic short film where Nicolas floats in the powder as if time was distorted.
Watch the making of
Watch Casey Neistat try to build a centriphone:
After almost two years of tinkering and tweaking I finally achieved the result I was looking for
Petit Prince - DemiTour
2015 - Pain Surprise records
Continuará en el post Centriphone 2/2 - making of (by Nicolas Vuignier)
Publicado por
domingo, septiembre 03, 2017

sábado, septiembre 02, 2017
TED: The future we're building -- and boring (by Elon Musk)
Hoy sábado os muestro una entrevista que le hicieron a Elon Musk en un evento TED para que explicara porqué se aburre, y cuál es su visión de futuro...
Ya hablamos en de La idea de Elon Musk para descongestionar el tráfico.
The future we're building -- and boring | Elon Musk - TED
Elon Musk discusses his new project digging tunnels under LA, the latest from Tesla and SpaceX and his motivation for building a future on Mars in conversation with TED's Head Curator, Chris Anderson.
The TED Talks channel features the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and more.
Follow TED on Twitter:
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Ya hablamos en de La idea de Elon Musk para descongestionar el tráfico.
The future we're building -- and boring | Elon Musk - TED
Elon Musk discusses his new project digging tunnels under LA, the latest from Tesla and SpaceX and his motivation for building a future on Mars in conversation with TED's Head Curator, Chris Anderson.
The TED Talks channel features the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and more.
Follow TED on Twitter:
Like TED on Facebook:
Subscribe to our channel:
Publicado por
sábado, septiembre 02, 2017

viernes, septiembre 01, 2017
Eleanor Rigby (by Eleanor Rigby)
Para este viernes otra de las canciones clásicas de The Beatles: Eleanor Rigby
The Beatles - Eleanor Rigby (From "Yellow Submarine")
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of Revolver with the digital release of the video for “Eleanor Rigby” - revisit the album now:
Released as a double A-side with the song "Yellow Submarine in August 1966, Eleanor Rigby marked a giant leap forward in the way that The Beatles thought about their art, following their exploration of new and more complex musical ideas such as “Day Tripper” and “Paperback Writer”. Written and performed by Paul McCartney as part of the Revolver sessions, this features a string composition from George Martin that helped to change the way that people considered “pop music”.
The film is a sequence originally used in the movie Yellow Submarine", released in July 1968. With it’s surreal, ground-breaking visuals it both brought a new concept of creating a visual video to accompany a song and also ushered in a new style of animation which helped to inspire Terry Gilliam’s animations for the TV comedy series, Monty Python’s Flying Circus.
Music video by The Beatles performing Eleanor Rigby. (C) 2015 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group) / Apple Corps Ltd. / Subafilms Ltd
The Beatles - Eleanor Rigby (From "Yellow Submarine")
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of Revolver with the digital release of the video for “Eleanor Rigby” - revisit the album now:
Released as a double A-side with the song "Yellow Submarine in August 1966, Eleanor Rigby marked a giant leap forward in the way that The Beatles thought about their art, following their exploration of new and more complex musical ideas such as “Day Tripper” and “Paperback Writer”. Written and performed by Paul McCartney as part of the Revolver sessions, this features a string composition from George Martin that helped to change the way that people considered “pop music”.
The film is a sequence originally used in the movie Yellow Submarine", released in July 1968. With it’s surreal, ground-breaking visuals it both brought a new concept of creating a visual video to accompany a song and also ushered in a new style of animation which helped to inspire Terry Gilliam’s animations for the TV comedy series, Monty Python’s Flying Circus.
Music video by The Beatles performing Eleanor Rigby. (C) 2015 Calderstone Productions Limited (a division of Universal Music Group) / Apple Corps Ltd. / Subafilms Ltd
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