Vía el Gartner Digital Workplace Summit 2018 que se celebra en Londres el 24 y 25 de Septiembre de 2018, os muestro a continuación una interesante infografía de lo que ellos denominan Digital Dexterity o destreza digital
En concreto la infografía de Gartner se titula 4 Steps to Develop Digital Dexterity in your Workplace
Digital Dexterity is a must for digital workplace success.
A high digital skillset amongst your workforce is paramount in order to prepare for the future of work. It is a competency that cannot be compromised in this age. Are you developing people and growing a culture with digital dexterity?
In our agenda for Gartner Digital Workplace Summit, 24 – 25 September, London, UK, we have highlighted key sessions to help you get the most out of your workforce and increase digital dexterity in your organization.
4 Steps to Develop Digital Dexterity in your Workplace (by Gartner)
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