viernes, octubre 22, 2021

Árbol Genealógico de Juego de Tronos - Game of Thrones Family Tree (by UsefulCharts) #ArbolGenealogico #GameOfThrones #GOT #JuegoDeTronos #FamilyTree

A continuación os muestro un curioso vídeo que repasa el árbol genealógico de todas las dinastías que compiten en la serie Juego de Tronos - Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones Family Tree (by UsefulCharts)


This video is for educational and editorial purposes only. All characters names and photos are copyright HBO and George R.R. Martin and are used here under the doctrine of fair use. Because of the copyright, I do not and cannot sell a copy of this chart as a poster but you can download an electronic version for free so long as you use it for personal use only. Here's the link:

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