viernes, julio 03, 2015

To Know You Is To You Love You (by Syreeta Wright & Stevie Wonder)

Hace unos meses que fuimos a ver la película Samba (ver post Película Samba (en, y en ella aparecía una bonita canción que hoy quiero recordar.

Se trata de una canción titulada "To know you is to love you" interpretada por Syreeta , y que fue escrita un poco antes de 1960 por Syreeta Wright y Stevie Wonder .

Syreeta Wright - To Know You Is To You Love You

Syreeta Wright - "To Know You Is To Love You" featuring Stevie Wonder on vocals and production...what a song!

En Wikipedia explican lo siguiente de esta canción To Know You Is to Love You is a song written by Syreeta Wright and Stevie Wonder in the early 1970s. The duet was first released on Syreeta Wright's debut album (Syreeta, MW 113) by MoWest Records (a Motown company) in 1972. It is also a single and an album by B. B. King, released by ABC Records in 1973, with the title song co-interpreted with Stevie Wonder (track B1 on the album To Know You Is to Love You).

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