domingo, noviembre 24, 2024

TED-ED: ¿Por qué es tan popular el Texas Hold'em? (by JAmes McManus) #TEDED #TExasHoldem #why #whyissopupular

En el post que os propongo a continuación se trata de responder a la pregunta de ¿Por qué es tan popular el Texas Hold'em? en uno de los vídeos de TED-ED de un poco más de 5 minutos:

TEDED: Why is Texas hold 'em so popular? - James McManus

Dig into the history of poker, from the game’s invention in the American South to its explosion of popularity across the world.


From its earliest incarnations, poker has always been a contest of guile, guts, and gambling. The game first emerged around 1800 in the melting pot of New Orleans, and soon spread up the Mississippi, Ohio, and Missouri rivers. So, how did this simple game of the American South skyrocket in popularity? James McManus shares how the card game became an international affair.

Lesson by James McManus, directed by Chintis Lundgren.

Learn more about the history of poker with James McManus' book, "Cowboys Full: The story of poker" here:

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