martes, agosto 20, 2024

TED: Magia y Maravillas en la era de la Inteligencia Artificial (by David Kwong) #TED #charla #magia #maravillas #IA #AI #magic #wonder #AgeAI #EraIA

En el post de hoy os quiero mostrar la charla TED que realizó recientemente David Kwong titulada Magia y Maravillas en la era de la Inteligencia Artificial:

Magic and Wonder in the Age of AI | David Kwong | TED

With AI everywhere you look, you may think you've seen it all. Magician David Kwong suggests otherwise, proposing advancements in technology actually increase opportunities for wonder. In an entertaining performance, he invites an audience member on stage to exhibit the mind-reading magic of ChatGPT — and explores how tech elevates our capacity for awe.

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