martes, noviembre 28, 2023

Curioso invento de láser sónico para contrarestar el ruido de la gente

Vía os muestro a continuación un vídeo que explica un curioso invento de un láser sónico para contrarestar el ruido de la gente que, les desconcierta, y acaban callando...

Testing My Speech Jammer In Public (by Benn Jordan)

I offered people $100 if they could read a paragraph from a book out loud. Things got a little crazy. Featuring superheros @VenusTheory and @RedMeansRecording. Additional Camera: Beth Schaefer B-Roll & Thumbnail Photo: Venus Theory Adam Neely vid I referenced:    • Combination Tones   💗 Support this channel and join an amazing community: 👀 Stalk me on social media for more frequent updates: 🔴 Subscribe To My Streaming Channel. I stream weekly!    • Lambient   ⚡Those lovely custom acoustic panels in the background: Timestompz: 0:00 - Intro 2:11 - How It Works (Sound Laser) 4:12 - How It Works (Delayed Auditory Feedback) 6:15 - The $100 Challenge 8:27 - Someone Was Immune! 9:57 - Ethics and bye

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