domingo, junio 04, 2023

TED: "El poder oculto de la luz" - "The Hidden Power of Light" (by Adrià Huguet-Ferran - TEDxIESEBarcelona) #TED #poderoculto #luz #poder #HiddenPower #power #PowerOfLight

Hoy domingo os traigo a continuación la charla TED de Adrià Huguet-Ferran en el marco de TED x IESE Barcelona con el título "El poder oculto de la luz" - "The Hidden Power of Light":

The Hidden Power of Light | Adrià Huguet-Ferran | TEDxIESEBarcelona

How does natural light affect our health? Adria Huguet Ferran speaks to us about the power of both natural and artificial light and how it can affect our perception of the world around us. After obtaining a Degree in Physics and a Master’s Degree in Renewable and Sustainable Energy, in 2014 he joined the Electrophotincs Group at the University of Barcelona to study the interaction of light with humans. Since then, he has maintained an active scientific activity and recently he has been awarded with the best scientific paper of 2020 in the LpS Digital Conference for stablishing a link between the visual and non-visual properties of light. Adrià is currently a professor at the University of Barcelona and CTO at Kumux, a lighting software company. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

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