domingo, abril 02, 2023

TED: "Sentido poco común: pasar de una mentalidad centrada en el problema a una mentalidad centrada en la solución" (by Mel Gill - TEDxVarna) #TED #sentido mentalidad #problema #solución #ProblemFocused #SolutionFocused #mindset

En el post de hoy os traigo de nuevo una charla TED, como cada domingo, Mel Fill en el marco del TED x Varna nos trae la charla con el título "Uncommon Sense: Moving from a Problem-Focused to Solution-Focused Mindset" que podría traducirse por "Sentido poco común: pasar de una mentalidad centrada en el problema a una mentalidad centrada en la solución":

Uncommon Sense: Moving from a Problem-Focused to Solution-Focused Mindset | Mel Gill | TEDxVarna

In Mel Gill's inspirational talk there are self-experience stories, giving you the chance to change your mindset, your point of view about the problems in your life and focus on taking action and responsibility for your mind, happiness and life.

Legendary Psychotherapist Dr Mel Gill is one of the world's leading experts in Personal Development and a Mentor to countless other Speakers and Trainers around the world. He is an internationally-recognized Training Consultant and is also Corporate Advisor to CEOs of Fortune 500 Companies. He has been recognized by the Business Times and The Sentinel as one of the Top Asian American Motivational Speakers. He was invited by the Napoleon Hill Foundation to speak as one of the Top 17 Speakers in the World in their Inaugural World Convention.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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