domingo, marzo 05, 2023

TED: "La salsa secreta de los emprendedores exitosos" - "The Secret Sauce of Successful Entrepreneurs" (by Erik Brieva | TEDxEUBusinessSchoolBarcelona #TED #SalsaSecreta #SecretSauce #emprendedor #exito #successful #entrepreneur #ErikBrieva

A continuación os traigo un vídeo de charla TED "La salsa secreta de los emprendedores exitosos" - "La salsa secreta de los emprendedores exitosos Erik Brieva" realizada por Erik Brieva en el marco de TED x EU Business School Barcelona.

TED: The Secret Sauce of Successful Entrepreneurs | Erik Brieva | TEDxEUBusinessSchoolBarcelona

As an award-winning strategist and entrepreneur, with clients that include Coca-Cola, Danone, and Nestlé, Erik Brieva shared The Secret Sauce of Successful Entrepreneurs. This TEDx talk has been organized by EU Business School, a dynamic and hands-on learning approach business school. Listed as one of the top 100 Leaders of the Future by Capital Magazine, Erik Brieva is an award-winning strategist and entrepreneur. His varied career experience - which has included clients such as Coca-Cola, Danone and Nestlé - allows him to understand issues from multiple viewpoints, having held positions ranging from medical imaging researcher to startup CEO.

President of the Entrepreneurial Commission for Barcelona’s business and innovation hub, 22@Network BCN, Erik’s innovation and dedication to mentorship has proved critical to the success of the city’s emerging start-ups. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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