domingo, marzo 12, 2023

TED: "La clave secreta del aprendizaje oculto a simple vista" - "The Secret Key to Learning Hidden in Plain Sight" (by Ian Gibbs - TEDxIESEBarcelona) #TED #CLaveSecreta #SecretKey #aprendizaje #learning #IanGibbs #IESE #Barcelona

Ahora os muestro la charla TED "La clave secreta del aprendizaje oculto a simple vista" - "The Secret Key to Learning Hidden in Plain Sight" que realizó Ian Gibbs en el marco de TED x IESE Barcelona.

TED: The Secret Key to Learning Hidden in Plain Sight | Ian Gibbs | TEDxIESEBarcelona

We've all likely experienced the highs and lows of education in our lives. Sometimes learning feels like a breeze while other times its like pulling teeth. There is, however, a simple, and obvious method available to boost our learning potential hidden right in front of us. Ian started his educational training when he was 5 in Sheffield, England. Fifty years later and after a degree in astrophysics, an MBA, and a wide variety of other learning (and teaching) experiences, he’s still pushing the limits of knowledge acquisition.

Just as learning to drive helps you become a capable and confident driver, Ian has seen how learning to learn can help students of all ages become capable and confident learners.

In 1997 he founded IPA Productions, one of Europe’s leading educational theatre companies. With four published books, he works as learning-strategies specialist, giving seminars, workshops and talks worldwide.

His talks on Learnability have informed and inspired thousands of people to become more effective students and lifelong learners.

He moved from England to Spain in 1990 where he lives in the Natural Forest of Collserola with his wife, his twins and his bouncy dog. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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