domingo, enero 16, 2022

Vídeo presentación "Human + Machine: Reimagining Work in the Age of AI" (by Paul Daugherty - Computer Science and Engineering at Michigan)

Ayer os comentaba un interesante cuadro en el que se clasificaban las 14 principales acciones según si as hacía mejor una persona o un algoritmo de Inteligencia Artificial. Pues bien, a continuación os dejo con el vídeo de la presentación del libro de dónde estaba extraído el cuadro. Se trata del libro "Reimagining Work in the Age of AI - Human + Machine" de Paul Daugherty en la Universidad de Michigan:

Human + Machine: Reimagining Work in the Age of AI | Paul Daugherty - Computer Science and Engineering at Michigan

Paul Daugherty (Computer Engineering, 1986) is Chief Technology & Innovation Officer at Accenture, where he oversees overall technology strategy, research and development, and ecosystem relationships, and is responsible for developing Accenture’s business in emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, and Blockchain.

Daugherty is co-author of Human + Machine: Reimagining Work in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, a seminal book providing a much-needed management playbook for the business of AI, recently published by Harvard Press.

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