lunes, diciembre 20, 2021

Artilugio casero para alertar cuando te olvidas de poner el intermitente en el coche (by Marc Radinovic via Mixxio)

Vía la más que recomendable newsletter de, os muestro a continuación un curioso sensor fabricado en casa home made por Marc Radinovic que literalmente te grita cuando te olvidas poner el intermitente al girar o cambiar de carril...

Este Youtuber que se llama Marc Radinovic ha realizado este artilugio con una placa Arduino y otra placa Raspberry Pi que detecta si el conductor ha girado el volante sin dar previamente el intermitente, y emitir una alerta por los altavoces del coche con un grito... curioso!!!

I Built The World's First Turn Signal Education Device

Teaching BMW drivers to use their turn signal by using educational punishment. That is all. This video is obviously just for laughs. I love my BMW and it's the second one I own. Crashed the first one while making an illegal U-turn without using my turn signal lol Even if it may not look like it, this video was disturbingly time consuming to make. Please consider subscribing. Thank you. I plan on making more stuff like this, so feel free to share your suggestions and/or video ideas in the comment section below. If you otherwise want to get in touch: - Instagram: @MarcRadinovic - Twitter: @MarcRadinovic - Website: Follow me anywhere. Hardware used: - BMW M140i (2018 F20 RWD) - Raspberry Pi 4 Model B (8GB RAM) - Arduino UNO WiFi Rev.2 - Arduino Nano 33 BLE [x2] - 9V Battery [x2] - Random Power Bank Programming languages used: - C/C++ (Arduino) - Python (Raspberry Pi)

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