viernes, octubre 08, 2021

Arbol Genealógico de la Mitología Griega - Greek Mythology Family Tree (by UsefulCharts) #ArbolGenealogico #FamilyTree #mitologia #MitologiaGriega #Greek #GreekMitology #titanes #titans #olympians

En el post de hoy viernes os traigo otro de los vídeos de UsefulCharts. En esta ocasión nos explican el árbol genealógico de la Mitología Griega...

Greek Mythology Family Tree: Primordials, Titans & Olympians (by UsefulCharts)

Buy the chart: CREDITS: Chart: Matt Baker Script/Narration: Matt Baker Animation: Syawish Rehman Audio Editing: Jack Rackham Intro music: "Lord of the Land" by Kevin MacLeod and licensed under Creative Commons Attribution license 4.0. Available from SOURCES: Primarily Hesiod and Homer

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