sábado, septiembre 04, 2021

Sistemas de escritura en el mundo - Writing Systems of the World (by UsefulCharts) #escritura #SistemasDeEscritura #wrinting #WritingSystems #World #alfabetos #silabas

Si ayer os hablaba de la historia y cronología del alfabeto, hoy vamos a ver un vídeo sobre los distintos sistemas de escritura en el mundo:

Writing Systems of the World | Abjads, Alphabets, Abugidas, Syllabaries & Logosyllabaries (by UsefulCharts)

Buy the chart: https://usefulcharts.com/products/wri... CREDITS: Chart: Matt Baker Script/Narration: Matt Baker Animation: @Al Muqaddimah Audio Editing: @Jack Rackam Intro music: "Lord of the Land" by Kevin MacLeod and licensed under Creative Commons Attribution license 4.0. Available from http://incompetech.com

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