domingo, noviembre 17, 2019

9 Verdades del Trabajo - A freethinking leader's guide to the real World

Para contrarrestar las 9 mentiras del trabajo que comentaba el post de ayer (ver post Top 9 Mentiras del trabajo - A freethinking leader's guide to the real World - Nine Lies About Work , hoy quiero seguir hablando del libro A freethinking leader's guide to the real World - Nine Lies About Work de los autores Buckingham y Goodall, pero para hablar de lo que ellos aseguran que son las verdades del trabajo:

Nine Truths About Work:

TRUTH #1 - People care which team they're on (because that's where work actually happens)

TRUTH #2 - The best intelligence wins (because the world moves too fast for plans)

TRUTH #3 - The best companies cascade meaning (because people want to know what they all share)

TRUTH #4 - The best people are spiky (because uniqueness is a feature, not a bug)

TRUTH #5 - People need attention (because we all want to be seen for who we are at our best)

TRUTH #6 - People can reliably rate their own experience (because that's all we have)

TRUTH #7 - People have momentum (because we all move through the world differently)

TRUTH #8 - Love-in-work matters most (because that's what work is really for)

TRUTH #9 - We follow spikes (because spikes bring us certainly)

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