sábado, enero 05, 2019

TED: The case for a decentralized internet (by Tamas Kocsis)

En el post de hoy os muestro una charla TED (Ideas worth spreading) The case for a decentralized internet (by Tamas Kocsis)

TED 11/09/18 - The case for a decentralized internet | Tamas Kocsis

TED 11/09/18 - The case for a decentralized internet | Tamas Kocsis

Who controls the internet? Increasingly, the answer is large corporations and governments -- a trend that's threatening digital privacy and access to information online, says web developer Tamas Kocsis. In this informative talk, Kocsis breaks down the different threats to internet freedom and shares his plan to build an alternative, decentralized network that returns power to everyday users.

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