Las charlas que se realizaron después fueron las de “Data sharing for Common Good” y de las que sólo tuve ocasión de asistir a la de Francesca Bria, Commissioner of Digital Technology and Innovation del Ajuntament de Barceona, titulada: “City data commons and ethical digital standards: Barcelona’s path towards data sovereignty for citizens"
The context: The robot economy – The fourth industrial revolution
Platform economy: new algorithm institutions
Top 10 Companies worldwide (by Market Cap):
8.Berkshire Hathaway
9.JPMorgan Chase
10.Johnson & Johnson
Democratizing Data and IA_
The battle for digital supremacy
Data is the Raw materia of the Digital Economy
Data Extractivism
Surveillance Capitalism
AI experts want to end “Black Box” algorithms in government
What-s the role of cities_ Creating public value smart, equitable, democratic cities
Ada Colau: Is this the world's most radical mayor? Aparentemente sí, pero a la práctica es otra política más...
Mission/oriented innovation data ^ AI for a better city
Collective intelligence for democracy
Open and Agile digital transformation
Ethical digital standards for cities
Ethical, responsible data strategy
A new deal on data: data sovereignty for citizens
Data for Transparency - anti corruption
Sentil0 - Open sensor & IoT Platform
Sentil0 - Applications
Open Data Analytic Platform: CITYOS
Mayor's Office for Data Analytics ==> Data & Algorithmic Transparency
Blockchain for data sovereignty
Enable social & communcal rigjts to data
Who is DECODE?
14 partners & countries
BCN Data-Driven Partecipatory Democracy
IoT Citizen Sensing - Community right to data
Digital Innovation
Grow a city innovation ecosystem that uses tech, data and IA to foster a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy
Urban innovation lab: City urban challenges
i.lab: " is where cities should start when it comes to finding new technology"
City and data challenges
A series of challenge prizes that invited corporates, startups and individuals to develop innovative solutions to social and urban issues using open data, ethics, security & privacy by design: EDUCATION, MOBILITY, GENDER GAP TECH
Building together the CIties of Tomorrow
Barcelona Digital Hub: Let's make Barcelona BCN the Capital of Data and Tech for the Common Good
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