viernes, diciembre 14, 2018

Big Data Congress 2018: Barcelona’s path towards data sovereignty for citizens (by Francesca Bria - Ajuntament Barcelona)

Las charlas que se realizaron después fueron las de “Data sharing for Common Good” y de las que sólo tuve ocasión de asistir a la de Francesca Bria, Commissioner of Digital Technology and Innovation del Ajuntament de Barceona, titulada: “City data commons and ethical digital standards: Barcelona’s path towards data sovereignty for citizens"

The context: The robot economy – The fourth industrial revolution

Platform economy: new algorithm institutions
Top 10 Companies worldwide (by Market Cap):
8.Berkshire Hathaway
9.JPMorgan Chase
10.Johnson & Johnson

Democratizing Data and IA_
The battle for digital supremacy

Data is the Raw materia of the Digital Economy

Data Extractivism

Surveillance Capitalism

Black box society
AI experts want to end “Black Box” algorithms in government

What-s the role of cities_ Creating public value smart, equitable, democratic cities

Ada Colau: Is this the world's most radical mayor? Aparentemente sí, pero a la práctica es otra política más...

Mission/oriented innovation data ^ AI for a better city

Collective intelligence for democracy

Open and Agile digital transformation

Ethical digital standards for cities

Ethical, responsible data strategy

A new deal on data: data sovereignty for citizens

Data for Transparency - anti corruption

Sentil0 - Open sensor & IoT Platform

Sentil0 - Applications

Open Data Analytic Platform: CITYOS

Mayor's Office for Data Analytics ==> Data & Algorithmic Transparency

Blockchain for data sovereignty
Enable social & communcal rigjts to data

Who is DECODE?
14 partners & countries

BCN Data-Driven Partecipatory Democracy

IoT Citizen Sensing - Community right to data

Digital Innovation
Grow a city innovation ecosystem that uses tech, data and IA to foster a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy

Urban innovation lab: City urban challenges

i.lab: " is where cities should start when it comes to finding new technology"

City and data challenges
A series of challenge prizes that invited corporates, startups and individuals to develop innovative solutions to social and urban issues using open data, ethics, security & privacy by design: EDUCATION, MOBILITY, GENDER GAP TECH

Building together the CIties of Tomorrow

Barcelona Digital Hub: Let's make Barcelona BCN the Capital of Data and Tech for the Common Good

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