sábado, septiembre 29, 2018

TED: How Simplification is the Key to Change (by Lisa Bodell)

Hoy os recomiendo visualizar la siguiente charla TED realizada por Lisa Bodell en el TED x Normal titulada Cómo la simplificación es la clave del cambio

How Simplification is the Key to Change | Lisa Bodell | TEDxNormal

Why are change and innovation so hard to achieve? It’s not why you think. The reality is this: we spend our days drowning in mundane tasks – meetings, emails, reports – often self-created complexities that prevent us from getting to the meaningful work that truly matters. Using simple stories and techniques, Bodell shows us how using simplicity as an operating principle can eliminate the busy work that puts a chokehold on us every day, and enable us to spend time on the work that we value.

Lisa Bodell, CEO of futurethink, is on a mission to create space for change and innovation in organizations using the power of simplicity.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx

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