domingo, agosto 05, 2018

TED: How to turn a group of strangers into a team (by Amy Edmondson)

La interesante charla TED de este domingo trata sobre cómo convertir a un grupo de personas desconocidas en un equipo...

TED: How to turn a group of strangers into a team (by Amy Edmondson - TEDNYC)

Business school professor Amy Edmondson studies "teaming," where people come together quickly (and often temporarily) to solve new, urgent or unusual problems. Recalling stories of teamwork on the fly, such as the incredible rescue of 33 miners trapped half a mile underground in Chile in 2010, Edmondson shares the elements needed to turn a group of strangers into a quick-thinking team that can nimbly respond to challenges.

Amy Edmondson · Leadership expert
Amy Edmondson, the Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management at the Harvard Business School, studies people and teams seeking to make a positive difference through the work they do.

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