TOP 20 Cities in the World per Working Time
TOP 20 ciudades del mundo por minutos necesarios de trabajo para comprar 1 Big Mac (by UBS)
- Hong Kong
- Taipei
- Tokyo
- Luxemburg
- Auckland
- Zurich
- Los Angeles
- Miami
- Chicago
- Sydney
- Toronto
- New York
- Manama
- Geneva
- Munich
- Frankfurt
- Copenhagen
- London
- Dublin
- Vienna
Por cierto, Barcelona está en la 40a posición con 28,6 minutos para comprar un McDonnald's Big Mac y 121,6 horas para comprar un Apple iPhone
How to Read the Table
We took the average price across all sources for each good and service and divided it by the net hourly wage of our 15 professions. The result is converted into either minutes or hours.
While the Big Mac has stayed the same product, we have analyzed different iPhones and iPods throughout the years (i.e. in 2015 we looked at the iPhone 6, today it is the iPhone X). Therefore, when selecting "iPod or iPhone" the "Index History" column shows the historic range of both products.
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