La conferencia TED de este sábado corre a cargo de Jon Bowers y se titula We should aim for perfection — and stop fearing failure, que podría traducirse como "Deberíamos aspirar a la perfección y dejar de temer al fracaso".
We should aim for perfection — and stop fearing failure (by Jon Bowers)
Sometimes trying your best isn't enough; when the situation demands it, you need to be perfect. For Jon Bowers, who runs a training facility for professional delivery drivers, the stakes are high -- 100 people in the US die every day in car accidents -- and it's perfection, or "a willingness to do what is difficult to achieve what is right," that he looks to achieve. He explains why we should all be equally diligent about striving toward perfection in everything we do, even if it means failing along the way.
This talk was presented at a TED Institute event given in partnership with UPS. TED editors featured it among our selections on the home page. Read more about the TED Institute.
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