Hoy vamos a ver el resultado del estudio de Gartner a fecha Octubre de 2017 sobre las plataformas de servicios de contenidos con su ya conocido cuadrante mágico.
Magic Quadrant for Content Services Platforms - Gartner (Octubre 2017)
El estudio de los analistas de Gartner Karen A. Hobert, Michael Woodbridge, Joe Mariano, Gavin Tay finalizó con los resultados siguientes:
LEADERS: Microsoft, OpenText, Hyland
VISIONARIES: M-Files, Nuxeo, SER Group, Box
CHALLENGERS: IBM, Oracle, Alfresco, Laserfiche
NICHE PLAYERS: Newgen Software, MicroFocus (HPE Software) , iManage, Fabasoft Everteam, Objective, Docuware, Comarch
Para finalizar os dejo con la introducción del informe de Gartner:
Content services platforms are the next stage of enterprise content management, representing a shift from self-contained systems and repositories to open services. This research helps application leaders evaluate CSP vendors' ability to deliver content services that enable digital business.
Strategic Planning Assumptions
By 2020, 20% of major EFSS and ECM vendors will morph their existing offerings into content service platforms.
By 2020, 15% of enterprises will have dropped their traditional ECM provider in favor of a provider that offers consumerlike content services.
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