miércoles, diciembre 07, 2016

A new approach to home Wi-Fi - Google Wifi

Hace un mes os hablaba del nuevo producto de Google denominado Google Wifi en el post Nuevo Google Wifi (en Emeshing.com).

Pues bien, hoy quiero mostraros un nuevo vídeo sobre este producto que puede tener mucho éxito en las casas grandes o con paredes gruesas que originan problemas de cobertura Wi-Fi ...

Google Wifi, a new approach to home Wi-Fi

Google Wifi is a new approach to home Wi-Fi. It’s designed as a connected system of points that are placed throughout the home to provide bedroom to basement connectivity. Whether your house is large or small, Google Wifi points work together to deliver wall-to-wall coverage to handle all of today’s Wi-Fi hungry devices. It also gives you easy control of your network so that you can stay in control.

Learn more about Google Wifi at >https://madeby.google.com/wifi

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