Los dispositivos Google On Hub están disponibles en distintos comercios en USA como BestBuy, Walmart, Target, Office Depot, TP-Link Store y Amazon.
Los precios de Google OnHub son:
219,99$ ASUS: boost Wifi on a particular device with a wave of your hand
199,99$ TP-LINK: a front-facing antenna reflector for greater range in that direction
Para finalizar la serie de posts sobre Google OnHub, os presento un vídeo en el que hacen pruebas de la cobertura que tiene este gadget:
OnHub Field Test #3: Can a router give Wi-Fi to two countries at once?
In Field Test #3 we wanted to see how far the OnHub Router’s Wi-Fi can reach. So we headed North to the Haskell Public Library and Opera House, the only public building that sits on the U.S.-Canadian border. Our test was to see if OnHub could give Wi-Fi to two countries at once, and a 6000 sq. ft. library opera house to boot. Check out how it fared. Learn more about OnHub at https://on.google.com/hub/
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