sábado, diciembre 12, 2015

WiFi 4 Life - Wifi a cambio de comida

Vía el artículo Wifi4Life converteix els indigents en punts Wifi (by ViaEmpresa.cat) descubrí una iniciativa de una asociación de la República Checa para que los vagabundos de Praga puedan recibir comida a cambio de dar conexión WiFI a los turistas de la ciudad.

WiFi 4 Life on IndieGoGo

Our people will share Wi-Fi using borrowed pocket Wi-Fi hotspots around the center of Prague. They will receive meals, clothing, allowances and decent accommodation in return for their services.

The project will not be funded from the taxpayers’ money but exclusively from private donations and grants. However, in order to get it going, the project needs capital for the first two months of its operation. And so we ask you, the people of planet Internet, for a contribution to the achievement of that amount.

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