martes, diciembre 01, 2015

Stop and Go Kit (by Lunchbox Electronics)

En el post de hoy quiero presentar un interesante kit denominado Stop and Go Kit (by Lunchbox Electronics)

Se trata de un interesante set con el que montar un interesante siste,a con el que poder aprender jugando con el sistema STEAM y con LEGO. Stop and Go Kit Instructions

Para más información Stop and Go Kit (by Lunchbox Electronics) Stop and Go Kit v1

This is a soldering kit that you build yourself! The holes on the base of the stop-and-go light are LEGO compatible so you can build this kit into your various brick projects. You are welcome to create a derivative of this kit as long as it abides by the open source hardware definition.

This kit cycles through a red, yellow, and green LED from an ATtiny85. The code is written in Arduino.

This kit assumes you know how to solder. If not, there are plenty of online tutorials on how to solder. The kit is fairly quick to put together, roughly 10 minutes, and the chip has been programmed for you!

Materials and tools:

Here are the parts you’ll need to get stared:

  • 3 LEDs (with a max current of 20mA) 
  • 1 220-ohm Resistor 
  • 2 47-ohm Resistors 
  • 1 ATtiny85 
  • 1 battery holder 
  • 1 3v battery 
  • 1 switch 
Here are the tools you’ll need to get stared:
  • Soldering Iron 
  • Solder 
  • Wire Clippers 
The Stop and Go Kit is an open source hardware product and follows the open source hardware definition.
The license on the source files for the Stop and Go Kit is CC-BY-SA
Distributed as-is; no warranty given. Not suitable for people who might eat electronics.
LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO® Group, which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this web site.

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