Vía el artículo Olvídate de ir a hacer la compra, te la traerá un robot autónomo a casa (by ElMundo.es), descubrí una interesante startup llamada Starship Technologies que ha desarrollado un robot autónomo en un 99% que permite llevarte las entregas a casa...
Starship: I'm here to deliver, at any time. Simple, safe and convenient
Cada vez está más claro que los trabajos sin claro valor añadido serán substituidos paulatinamente por robots u otras máquinas. En esta ocasión hablamos de los repartidores, transportistas o mensajeros...
A continuación un vídeo promocional de las características de este robot desarrollado por Starship Technologies.
Local Delivery Robot by Starship Technologies
A revolutionary, self-driving local delivery robot created by Starship Technologies.
Learn more at www.starship.xyz
Starship Technologies is a European technology start-up building a fleet of self-driving delivery robots designed to deliver goods locally within 30 minutes. Designed using ‘off the shelf’ components, the robots are lightweight and low-cost, enabling the company to bring the current cost of delivery down by 10-15 times per shipment.
The robots drive autonomously 99% of the time to make safe and environmentally friendly pavement/curb-side deliveries from a local hub. Launched by two Skype co-founders, Ahti Heinla and Janus Friis, Starship’s aim is to fundamentally reshape how goods are shipped and delivered, and make local delivery, almost free.
The company employs 30 people and has offices in London, United Kingdom, and Tallinn, Estonia. Former Skype co-founder Ahti Heinla serves as the company’s CEO and CTO, serial tech entrepreneur Allan Martinson is Chief Operating Officer and tech and mobile industry veteran Keith Cornell is Chief Commercial Officer.
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