jueves, agosto 06, 2015

Ataque tiburón blanco mientras buceaban en Suráfrica

Vía el artículo Terrifying GoPro Video of a Great White Shark Trying to Bite Through a Diving Cage (by Laughin Squid) os muestro el siguiente vídeo del ataque de un tiburón blanco grabado con una GoPro mientras buceaban por una cueva de Suráfrica...

Best Shark Attack Video - gigantic Great White Shark in South Africa while Cage Diving

While shark cage diving, our cage was attacked by an 11.5 foot Great White shark. The round buoy attached to the side of the cage was bent in half. Some of the lining of the outside blue barrier bar was bitten through as well. It was quite the up close and personal experience!

This was a trip I went on during one of my days off from volunteering at Cango Wildlife Ranch. The video was shot with a GoPro Hero 4 wide angle. The shark was even closer than he appears. I apologize for the shakiness..... and my friend's screaming.

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