sábado, junio 20, 2015

What's up Hong Kong? (by OnTheRoofs)

Siguiendo la serie de los dos fotógrafos rusos llamados OnTheRoof que publico los sábados, hoy toca Hong Kong.

En esta ocasión Vitaliy Raskalov y Vadim Makhorov se introdujeron en los más recónditos sitios de Hong Kong, antes colonia inglesa y ahora perteneciente a China, para grabar el siguiente vídeo:

What's up Hong Kong?

During our last visit in Hong Kong, not only did we take a lot of awesome pictures, but we also made a video which was shot a few hours before our flight to Tokyo. The venue is the very heart of Hong Kong, a skyscraper with a huge billboard.

It was a real teamwork this once. Thanks to the guys: Nikolai Zheludovich (https://vimeo.com/nikolas123), Arseni Khachaturan and Lau Fat Hing Hercules. We wouldn’t have had this without them.

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