jueves, junio 18, 2015

Robot casi humano 4/10: Poppy

En esta 4a entrega de los robots casi humanos que ocupan un ranking mundial, presentamos el robot Poppy.

El robot Poppy ha sido desarrollado por un grupo de investigadores franceses que han hecho el robot mediante una impresora 3D.

Poppy humanoid beta Overview (by Poppy Project)

Poppy is an Open-source humanoid platform based on robust, flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software.
Designed by the Flowers Lab at inria Bordeaux (France), its development aims at providing an affordable humanoid robot for Research, Art and Education.
More information about the Poppy project on poppy-project.org and the forum forum.poppy-project.org
Art project: Êtres et Numérique

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