miércoles, octubre 22, 2014

Hotel Near Me para Google Glass

Hace un par de meses os hablaba de Field Trip on Google Glass, y hoy quiero explicar una aplicación de Destinia.com llamada Hotel Near Me que se integra con Google Glass para recomendarte los hoteles más cercanos a tu ubicación en aquella ciudad que estés visitando...

Hotel Near Me // App by Destinia.com for Google Glass

Hotel Near Me is the world's first hotel booking app for Google Glass.
Its the easiest way to find the best value hotel nearest to you, and reserve it immediately. You can make a last minute hotel reservation at a last minute price at 250.000 hotels all the world, and in every major city.
The app finds the hotels which are closest to your current gps location You can see the price and distance from your current position.
Use your voice to ask the app for photos and get information about them.
Tell the Glass that you want a better or cheaper hotel.
Once you have chosen your hotel, you can book it immediately And then the app can even give you directions how to get there!
Hotel Near Me is connected to Destinia.com's top rated hotel booking system and developed in collaboration with Glob3Mobile.
Find out more at http://hotelnearme.com

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