sábado, abril 26, 2014

Parkour in Dubai (by Ryan Doyle)

En el post de hoy os quiero mostrar el vídeo que grabaron los de Red Bull en Dubai con un tal Ryan Doyle, todo un crack en el mundo del parkour. A la fiesta de saltos y brincos por las calles y el puerto de Dubai se unió un atleta de Kuwait que también practica el parkour que se llama Mohammed Al Attar:

Parkour in Dubai - Ryan Doyle 2013

For more parkour adventure visit http://win.gs/1aXUVRM "Just go for it. Don't live in fear of making mistakes, accept them as being part of life's plan for you, so learn from them and do them right." For 28-year-old Ryan Doyle, his favorite words are, "Get Over It", which the young Parkour athlete follows "literally".

Doyle's new journey stops in Dubai. Joined by Kuwaiti Parkour athlete Mohammed Al Attar, the two explore the roots and history of the city. Although it's mainly filled with rooftops, ironically it keeps him grounded and makes him appreciate every adventure he "jumps" or "flips" into.

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