sábado, marzo 22, 2014

Touch Board con iPad

Hace un par de semanas os comentaba el éxito de la campaña de crowdfunding de Touch Board en el post Touch Board (by Bare Conductive) en Emeshing.com.

Para rizar el rizo, también es posible conectar Touch Board a un Apple iPad:

A lot of people have asked if you can hook the Touch Board up to an iPad as a MIDI device and the answer is... YES! To do this, you'll need a Touch Board, an iPad a Camera Connection Kit from Apple (also known as a Lightning to USB Camera Adapter) and a powered USB hub. The powered USB hub is required as without it the iPad will tell you that the Touch Board is drawing too much power. Once you've set it up, you'll have a pretty amazing setup. It's up to you to figure out how to use it... Check out the Touch Board on Kickstarter here: kickstarter.com/projects/863853574/touch-board-interactivity-everywhere/posts/663487/edit

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