lunes, diciembre 16, 2013

Silver Creek (by Salazar)

Navengando por Vimeo me encontré con este interesante vídeo titulado Silver Creek en el que estas primeras frases me atraparon...

For the rare and wild ones,
the ones that never quite fit in,
the ones that dare to dream;
you are not alone.

Together, we can end bullying

If you are a young person
who needs someone to talk to

Silver Creek (by Salazar)

Silver Creek tells the tale of a young band of outsiders, isolated and teased in their community, who one day discover the magic of their own creativity and imagination. The kids find solace and support in their celebration, though the moment is short-lived, and others try to break them apart.
If viewers are moved by this short film’s message, they are encouraged to click the “Tip Jar” button below the video. The funds raised from this are not only a “tip” - they are the necessary resources that make the work done by the beneficiary charities, the Trevor Project and Rainbow Resource Centre possible. Both organizations do exceptional work with LGBTQ youth in crisis and offer supportive services that make a vital difference in young people’s lives.
In 2012 Salazar set out across Canada driving over 2600 Kilometers from Vancouver, British Columbia to the village of Angusville, Manitoba to create Silver Creek. Over the course of 2 weeks the people of Angusville embraced our little band and our project, letting us shut down main street for days on end, invade their backyards, and throw confetti literally everywhere.
We cast local actors and kids from around the region and many residents came out to be background actors. Every night our crew and the community broke bread together in the town hall. It was a profoundly unique experience for all involved. For two weeks a band of 50 odd people came together as a family, we lived together, and got to play together at making a film. This tight knit togetherness fit with the spirit of what our film was trying to convey.

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