jueves, mayo 02, 2013

Cursos online en EdX

En este post quiero recomendaros los cursos on-line gratuitos que ofrece EdX. Se trata de un acuerdo entre la Universidad de Harvard y el MIT (Massachusets Institute of Technology).

El éxito de la plataforma edX - The Future of Online Education for anyone, anywhere, anytime fue tal, que varias universidades entraron para ofrecer cursos gratuitos desde la misma web. Es el caso de Berkeley (University of California), The University of Texas System, McGill, Australian National University, Wyllesley, Georgetown University, University of Toronto, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, TUDelft, RICE... para añadirse al Massachusets Institute of Technology y a Harvard University.
 Como podéis ver en las capturas de pantalla adjuntas, en EdX se pueden encontrar variedad de cursos como:
- Age of Globalization (UTAustinX)
- Take your Medicine - The impact of drug development (YTAustinX)
- Introduction to Statistics - Probability (BerkeleyX)
- Quantum Mechanics ans Quantum computation (BerkeleyX)
- Software as a Service (BerkeleyX)
- The Ancient Greek Hero (HarvardX)
- Artificial Intelligence (BerkeleyX)
- Justice (HarvardX)
- Foundation of Computer (BerkeleyX)
- Circuits and Electronics (MITx)
- Introduction of Computer - Science and Programming (MITx)

La verdad es que me parece extraordinaria la iniciativa que toman universidades tan importantes para divulgar el conocimiento a todo el mundo de un forma tan global y económica como a través de Internet.

Más información en EdX:
EdX is a not-for-profit enterprise of its founding partners Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that features learning designed specifically for interactive study via the web. Based on a long history of collaboration and their shared educational missions, the founders are creating a new online-learning experience with online courses that reflect their disciplinary breadth. Along with offering online courses, the institutions will use edX to research how students learn and how technology can transform learning–both on-campus and worldwide. Anant Agarwal, former Director of MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, serves as the first president of edX. EdX's goals combine the desire to reach out to students of all ages, means, and nations, and to deliver these teachings from a faculty who reflect the diversity of its audience. EdX is based in Cambridge, Massachusetts and is governed by MIT and Harvard.

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