martes, febrero 26, 2013

Google Glass 1/2

Vía el artículo Google Glass muestra sus alucinantes capacidades en un nuevo video (de Oscar Roig en llegué a la web de Google Glass.

Os dejo con un vídeo que muestra las capacidades de las gafas Google Glass.

How It Feels [through Glass]

Para participar en el proyecto y conseguir unas gafas Google Glass debes hacer lo siguiente (siendo residente en USA) antes de mañana día 27 de Febrero de 2013:


How to apply
We’re looking for bold, creative individuals who want to join us and be a part of shaping the future of Glass. We’d love to make everyone an Explorer, but we’re starting off a bit smaller. We’re still in the early stages, and while we can’t promise everything will be perfect, we can promise it will be exciting.

Using Google+ or Twitter, tell us what you would do if you had Glass, starting with the hashtag #ifihadglass.
Your application must be 50 words or less
You must include #ifihadglass in your application
You can include up to 5 photos with your application
You can include a short video (15 secs max)
Be sure to follow us on Google+ (+ProjectGlass) or Twitter (@projectglass) so that we can contact you directly
You must be at least 18 years old and live in the U.S. to apply
For more details, please see our full Terms and FAQ

What happens next?

The deadline for applications is February 27th. If you are chosen, we will reach out to you with an invitation to become a Glass Explorer (please remember to follow us so that we can contact you directly). Explorers will each need to pre-order a Glass Explorer Edition for $1500 plus tax and attend a special pick-up experience, in person, in New York, San Francisco or Los Angeles.

Primera parte del post, la segunda parte próximamente en Google Glass 2/2 (en

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