viernes, julio 29, 2011

The Google Plus Trailer (The Social Network Parody)

Os presento un trailer que me recomendaron para presentar Google Plus o Google+ mediante una parodia de la película The Social Network. Y es que Google ha puesto en marcha Google+ para hacer la competencia o algo de sombra en cuanto a redes sociales a Facebook...

The Google Plus Trailer (The Social Network Parody)

You've seen the Oscar-winning film, The Social Network; now it is time to experience the award-eligible film that explores the internet's newest phenomenon- Google Plus. From the nerdy enthusiasm of the early-adopters to the extreme confusion of, well, pretty much everyone else, this film takes you inside the almost exclusively male world of Google's newest social networking venture. You don't get into 500 million circles without assuming people give a crap what you have to say.

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