Durante estos días publiqué diferentes rankings de las mejores universidades del mundo según distintos métodos de confección de los tops.
Pues bien hoy posteo el último de los rankings de que dispongo, en concreto el llamado Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU)
1. Harvard
2. Berkeley
3. Stanford
4. MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
5. Cambridge
6. California Institute of Technology
7. Princeton
8. Columbia
9. Chicago
10. Oxford
En el ranking Academic Ranking of World Universities - 2010 también aparecen en las primeras posiciones las mejores universidades norteamericanas, y sólo se cuelan algunas universidades europeas como las inglesas Cambridge y Oxford.
A continuación pasteo el detalle de la metodología del Ranking ARWU:
Selection of Universities
"ARWU considers every university that has any Nobel Laureates, Fields Medalists, Highly Cited Researchers, or papers published in Nature or Science. In addition, universities with significant amount of papers indexed by Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCIE) and Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) are also included. In total, more than 1000 universities are actually ranked and the best 500 are published on the web."
Ranking Criteria and Weights
"Universities are ranked by several indicators of academic or research performance, including alumni and staff winning Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals, highly cited researchers, papers published in Nature and Science, papers indexed in major citation indices, and the per capita academic performance of an institution.
For each indicator, the highest scoring institution is assigned a score of 100, and other institutions are calculated as a percentage of the top score. The distribution of data for each indicator is examined for any significant distorting effect; standard statistical techniques are used to adjust the indicator if necessary.
Scores for each indicator are weighted as shown below to arrive at a final overall score for an institution. The highest scoring institution is assigned a score of 100, and other institutions are calculated as a percentage of the top score. An institution's rank reflects the number of institutions that sit above it."
En ARWU.org también publican las 3 mejores universidades del mundo según las especialidades:
* Natural Sciences and Mathematics – Harvard, Berkeley and Cambridge
* Engineering/Technology and Computer Sciences – MIT, Stanford and Berkeley
* Life and Agriculture Sciences – Harvard, UC San Francisco and MIT
* Clinical Medicine and Pharmacy – Harvard, UC San Francisco and John Hopkins
* Social Sciences – Harvard, Chicago and Stanford
* Mathematics – Princeton, Berkeley and Harvard
* Physics – Harvard, MIT and Caltech
* Chemistry – Berkeley, Harvard and Cambridge
* Computer Science – Stanford, MIT and Berkeley
* Economics / Business – Harvard, Chicago and MIT
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