lunes, agosto 14, 2006

Google Analytics issue from Safari

I have written the following email to Google Analytics Help Center to report a problem that I have when try to access to Google Analytics from Safari browser of my MacMini:

I want to report you an issue that happens when I try to access to from Safari. However from Internet Explorer of Microsoft Windows it works successfully.

To reproduce the problem (only with Safari Browser):
1.- Enter login & password
2.- Push on Sign In button
3.- Then the browser can not access to Google Analytics, but neither arises any error.

I use a Safari browser included in MacMini with Mac OS X 10.4.7.
Please, could you help me? Do you know can I resolve this issue?

Thanks in advance for your reply

10 hours later, I have recieved the following mail from Google Analytics Support replying my question:

Thank you for your email. I understand you are experiencing login difficulties with the Safari browser. I suggest you to clear your cache and cookies.

To clear your cache and cookies in Safari, please follow the steps below:

1. From the Safari menu, click Empty Cache.
2. When asked 'Are you sure you want to empty the cache?,' click Empty.
3. From the Safari menu, click Preferences.
4. From the Security dialog box, click Bookmarks.
5. Click Show Cookies.
6. From the Cookie dialog box, click to choose a cookie, and click Remove.
7. Click Done.
Note: Alternatively, if you want to delete all cookies, click Remove All.

Once you have cleared your cache and cookies, please try to login to youraccount. If you are still having difficulty accessing your account in Safari, we recommend using a Mozilla-based browser (Firefox, Mozilla, or Netscape Navigator) to view your Google Analytics account. Only Mozilla-based browsers are officially supported for Macs at this time.

For additional questions regarding e-commerce, goals, filters, tracking and setup questions, please visit the Analytics Help Center at If you're unable to find an answer to your question on our site, please feel free to reply to this email.

Finally, I've followed that steps and I can access to Google Analytics from Safari browser OK.

2 comentarios:

  1. Bajate el Firefox, porque si no, no podrás navegar por la mitad de las páginas. Aunque a mi me gusta más el Safari, porque carga menos la máquina.

  2. Anónimo4:14 p. m.

    Buen soporte por parte de Google!

    Aunque el MacOS venga con Safari... mejor utilizar el Firefox no? Yo incluso lo uso con Windows... mucho mejor que Internet Explorer.


